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发布时间:2024-12-07 06:43:30

Ⅰ 一部二战电影,有关一个钢琴家

片 名:钢琴家 The Pianist
英文片名:The Pianist
类 型:剧情 / 战争
导 演:罗曼·波兰斯基 RomanPolanski
主 演:阿德里安·布罗迪 AdrienBrody, 托马斯·克雷茨曼 ThomasKretschmann, 弗兰克·芬利 rankFinlay
编 剧:Wladyslaw Szpilman
片 长:148 分钟
上映日期:2004年2月 根据维拉德斯娄·;斯普尔曼的自传改编,描写了一个波兰犹太钢琴家在二战期间艰难生存的故事。作为一名作曲家兼钢琴家,瓦拉迪斯劳·;斯皮尔曼在纳粹占领前还坚持在电台做现场演奏。在那段白色恐怖的日子里,他躲避那些野兽的搜捕,依然在波兰的犹太人居住区住着。在这里,即便所有... 根据维拉德斯娄·;斯普尔曼的自传改编,描写了一个波兰犹太钢琴家在二战期间艰难生存的故事。作为一名作曲家兼钢琴家,瓦拉迪斯劳·;斯皮尔曼在纳粹占领前还坚持在电台做现场演奏。在那段白色恐怖的日子里,他躲避那些野兽的搜捕,依然在波兰的犹太人居住区住着。在这里,即便所有热爱的东西都不得不放弃的时候,他仍旧顽强的活着。终于等到黎明来到……

Ⅱ 急需电影《海上钢琴师》的100字英文简介

《The Legend of the Pianist on the Ocean》电影英文简介:
1900, an abandoned baby which is taken care by one of the crews in the ship, Virginia. 1900 was the year which the crew discovered the baby, thus, the boy was named 1900. The crew dies several years later and at that time, 1900 is entirely isolated. He is a genius and he knows how to play the piano without being taught. He gets his own style and wins the applause of passengers. However, he isn’t happy at all. What he is searching for is love and care, yet he cannot find them. In this essay, I will examine how 1900 suffers from loneliness and how he is afraid of changes.
The only companion of 1900 is the piano; he gets used to expressing his feeling via music. Yet, can the piano share with him? Can the music be the tonic for his loneliness? The poor guy has no choices; he was born to be lonely. Maybe it’s his fate. 1900 always wants to attract people by his absorbing performance. Though there is, in fact, nearly no conversation between them, they even don’t know one another. He still wants to be surrounded by the crowd. 1900 doesn’t want to be alone; he enjoys the time being accompanied by people. This can explain why he feels so disappointed, frustrated and he stops playing the piano when the crowd leaves as the destination is reached. 1900 has to become solitary again!
One of the passengers admires his talents very much and tries to talk to him. The farmer shares with him about his misfortune and loneliness. 1900 knows the feeling better than anybody does as he has been suffering for 27 years! He hasn’t disclosed his feeling to others; he just says that he gets a friend sharing the similar situation. It’s a paradox that on the one hand, he wants to speak out his own feeling, which has buried in his heart for a long time, and shares with people; on the other hand, he can’t pluck up his courage to mention his situation in front of people. Maybe it is of no use to tell others or 1900 doesn’t want anyone to sympathize him.
Loneliness makes him afraid of contacting strangers, lack of confidence and shy while communicating with strangers. When there’re two strangers coming to inform him the competition, he runs away and hides himself. Poor 1900 is afraid of being hurt. With no doubt, loneliness adversely affects his personality. On the shipboard, a young, pure, beautiful girl has caught his attention. He loves the girl and wants to send her a gift. He doesn’t know how to initiate the conversation. 1900 practices again and again in the cabinet. He is too timid to send the girl his record. His personality makes him miss a chance. 1900 is very unhappy and breaks the record. Again, he just keeps his mouth shut and never shares with the others. It is obvious that he no longer wants to share, he is too tired to find opportunities to air his feeling.
Changes make 1900 scared, he wants his everyday life remains the same. For 27 years, he stays on board and never treads on land. Although his crews always persuade him to get off, he is reluctant to try. Several months after the girl had left, 1900 suddenly wants to tread on land. His reason is that he wants to listen to the voice of the sea as he can only hear it clearly on land. However, it’s true that he wants to find the girl and expresses love to her. 1900 hides his feeling again. Yet, when he is on the halfway of the ladder that leads to the land, he stops. He stands there to look at the city in front of him. 1900 gives up treading on land and returns to the ship.
1900 can live safely on the ship as he can see the ends of the ship. Many years later, as the ship is too old and it needs to be exploded to pieces. One of the crew knows that he will be still on the ship. He tries to find him. Before his death, 1900 tells the reasons for not treading on land when he’s walking down the ladder. “ I’m not afraid of what I can see, I’m afraid of what I can’t see”, 1900 is frightened as he can’t see the end of the city. “ Where is the end of the world?” Moreover, there’re only two thousand passengers on broad at a time. It’s a fixed number and it will not change. It can explain why 1900 prefers staying on board.
He takes the piano as an example, “ There are finite keys on the piano”, and he can make “infinite music” out of it. However, the world is a piano that is too big for him. There are infinite keys in the world, how can he make music out of it? It implies that there are so many changes in the world; he can hardly face the challenges. “There are thousands of streets in the city…which one should I choose to die?” It shows that 1900 is scared by the ever-changing world and he is too tired to choose. He thinks that he can’t adapt to the changes as “ the world has passed me (him) by”. In addition, fame, fortune, girl can’t make him tread on land. 1900 chooses to die on the ship rather than getting off. It can be seen that how deeply he is afraid of changes. The marvelous life of 1900 makes him become the legend.

Ⅲ 有关电影《钢琴师》的问题

英文:Adrien Brody

瘦长的个子、黑色的头发、明朗的外形,酷似年轻时的阿尔-帕西诺(Al Pacino),加上令人不容置疑的表演天赋,使阿德里安-布劳迪很早就确立了同龄演员中的领头人地位,从边缘演员进入到了舞台的中央。但是1998年,在根据詹姆斯-琼斯(James Jones)二战题材小说改编的《细细的红线》("The Thin Red Line")中,他得到了出演法伊夫下士(Cpl. Fife)的机会,不幸的是影片剪辑过后,他在片中差不多只是一闪而过,这几乎将他当演员的雄心一扫落地。可这位年轻的演员坚持了下来,并在以后的影片

阿德里安-布劳迪1973年4月14日出生于纽约州纽约市,自小就立志长大当演员。但小时候只是在露营时才有表演的机会,12岁时他在一次儿童聚会上表演过魔术师,这是他第一次登台表演。阿德里安的母亲、著名摄影家西尔维亚-普莱奇(Sylvia Plachy)从家庭照片中看出他的表演天赋,鼓励他去参加各种表演班,先后进入表演艺术高中(High School for the Performing Arts)和美国戏剧艺术学院(American Academy of Dramatic Arts)就读。他在美国戏剧艺术学院学习期间,有机会参加了学校年轻人的周末节目,在哪里,他很快发现了自己已进入了戏剧界的大门。后来,阿德里安进入非百老汇戏剧界进行舞台表演,出演的第一部非百老汇舞台剧是《五十年代的自豪家庭》("Family Pride in the '50s")。1988年,阿德里安第一次出镜是参加美国公共广播公司的电视剧《终于回家》("Home at Last"),在剧中饰演一位来自纽约的孤儿比利(Billy),前往内布拉加斯州寻求新的生活。同年,他还在哥伦比亚广播公司的情景短剧《安妮-麦圭尔》("Annie McGuire")中饰演玛丽-泰勒-摩尔(Mary Tyler Moore)的继子伦尼-麦圭尔(Lenny McGuire)。不久,阿德里安又回到大学继续了一年的学业。

1993年,阿德里安参加了著名导演斯蒂文-索德伯格(Steven Soderbergh)执导、描写20世纪30年代美国经济崩溃时期贫民生活的剧情片《山丘之王》("King of the Hill")的拍摄。在这部影片中,他饰演童星杰西-布拉德福德(Jesse Bradford)的好朋友莱斯特(Lester)。出色的表演赢得了一片的赞誉声,也得到了许多新的机会。包括:1994年在加拿大导演威廉-迪尔(William Dear)执导的喜剧荒诞片《棒球天使》("Angels in the Outfield")中饰演丹尼(Danny),1996年在英国导演朱利恩-坦普尔(Julien Temple)执导的犯罪片《黑街杀手》("Bullet")中饰演米基-鲁尔克(Mickey Rourke)患有毒瘾的兄弟鲁比(Ruby),1996年在埃里克-布罗斯(Eric Bross)执导的影片《甜衫》("Sweet Jersey")中主演一个赌棍雷(Ray),该片在1996年美国圣丹斯电影节(Sundance)上首映,得到了评论家们的一致好评。

1997年,阿德里安与基努-里维斯(Keanu Reeves)及当时还不出名的格雷奇恩-莫尔(Gretchen Mol)和克莱尔-福兰尼(Claire Forlani)合演了斯蒂芬-T-凯(Stephen T. Kay)独立制作的剧情片《意气风发》("The Last Time I Committed Suicide"),他在这部影片中饰演诗人本(Ben)。同年,他还在《婚姻的责任》("The Undertaker's Wedding")和《在各方面》("Six Ways to Sunday")二片中担纲主角,有着不俗的演出。1998年,他再次与埃里克-布罗斯合作,出演了影片《餐馆》("Restaurant"),他因此片的出色表现于2001年获独立精神奖最佳男演员提名。这一年,他还参加了特兰斯-马利克(Terrence Malick)执导、描写二战瓜达康纳尔岛(Guadalcanal)战役的战争片《细细的红线》的拍摄,这部战争思考影片曾获第71届奥斯卡奖7项提名,但他只在片中出演了一个小角色法伊夫下士,很令他失望。

1999年,著名黑人导演斯派克-李(Spike Lee)发现了他的潜质,邀他在恐怖片《山姆的夏天》("Summer of Sam")中主演连环杀手的替罪羊里奇(Ritchie),劲爆前卫的形象令人印象深刻。随后他又在理查德-谢泼德(Richard Shepard)同类题材的罪案惊悚片《极速杀阵》("Oxygen")中饰演哈里(Harry)一角。这一年他的重头戏是主演了奥斯卡金牌导演巴里-莱文森(Barry Levinson)反映种族问题的剧情片《飞扬的年代》("Liberty Heights")。此时,阿德里安已完全跻身于一流演技演员的行列。

2000年,阿德里安主演了英国著名写实导演肯-洛区(Ken Loach)的剧情片《面包与玫瑰》("Bread and Roses"),在片中饰演一位多情的工会组织者萨姆(Sam),组织社会底层的工人为权利而抗争的故事。以及法国导演伊利-乔拉基(Elie Chouraqui)执导的《危机密布》("Harrison's Flowers")。2001年,阿德里安与希拉里-斯旺克(Hilary Swank)合作出演了查尔斯-施伊尔(Charles Shyer)执导的剧情片《项链事件》("The Affair of the Necklace"),在片中饰演伯爵尼古拉斯-德-拉-莫特(Nicolas de la Motte)。这部影片描写了18世纪成为法国大革命导火线之一的著名"项链事件",生动再现了当时巴黎上流社会的生活,使整个事件乃至当时社会的风貌得以更为完整的体现。

2002年,阿德里安主演了著名波兰导演罗曼-波兰斯基(Roman Polanski)执导的历史传记片《钢琴家》("The Pianist")。该片根据波兰犹太钢琴家瓦拉迪斯劳-斯皮尔曼(Wladyslaw Szpilman,阿德里安-布劳迪饰)的自传体小说《一个城市的毁灭》("Death of a City")改编。描写二战期间,一位天才的波兰犹太钢琴家,整日处在死亡的威胁下。但他的琴声打动了一位德国军官,在这位军官的冒死保护下,终于迎来了自由。阿德里安扎实的表演,将温文而雅的斯皮尔曼忧郁之情演绎得感人至深。他甚至为了拍摄此片"放弃了一切",每天要练4个小时的钢琴,体重也下降了30磅。当然,阿德里安的努力也取得了丰厚的回报,先后获得了法国恺撒、波士顿影评协会、美国影评人协会最佳男演员奖,第56届英国学院奖、第60届金球奖、第75届奥斯卡奖最佳男演员提名。作为演技派的代表人物,阿德里安-布劳迪在本片中令人赞叹的表现,将他的演艺事业推到了顶峰。









2003年《歌唱侦探》("The Singing Detective")

2002年《钢琴家》("The Pianist")


2001年《项链事件》("The Affair of the Necklace")

2001年《爱得辛苦》("Love the Hard Way")

2000年《危机密布》("Harrison's Flowers")

2000年《面包与玫瑰》("Bread and Roses")

1999年《飞扬的年代》("Liberty Heights")


1999年《山姆的夏天》("Summer of Sam")

1998年《细细的红线》("The Thin Red Line")


1997年《在各方面》("Six Ways to Sunday")

1997年《婚姻的责任》("The Undertaker's Wedding")

1997年《意气风发》("The Last Time I Committed Suicide")

1996年《甜衫》("Sweet Jersey")




1994年《棒球天使》("Angels in the Outfield")

1993年《山丘之王》("King of the Hill")

1989年《纽约故事》("New York Stories")

1988年《安妮-麦圭尔》("Annie McGuire",电视)

1988年《终于回家》("Home at Last",电视)

结论:1、Adrien Brody 阿德里安-布劳迪

Ⅳ 电影《海上钢琴师》的英文简介。


Actor 1900 ( name ) the entire life is a tragedy. He was a steam ship abandoned in the orphans, were aboard a well-burning stoves for the adoption, however good may not be good, a furnace workers killed, only 8 years old once again become a 1900 orphans. The talent that he learned without teacher to become a pianist, but this makes him naturally to vulgar world deeply ring meaning, he never came ashore from the boat to go, only because New York boundless buildings and the stream never stops flowing. The crowd to his lost. Even if later met a girl fall in love at first sight, he thought over and over again later, or abandoned ashore to find first impulse. He will always remain in the ship, in the end, the only good friend Marx warned him Hulk will be destroyed, he was reluctant to leave, then started from the birth did not leave Virginia number 1900 sympathetic ship in the sea. 1900, this is no birth record, and no proof of identity of people, without leaving a trace on the earth, such as the passage of the notes, invisibly.

Ⅳ 请问谁能提供《钢琴师》的详细电影剧情,不是《海上钢琴师》的

The Pianist
阿德里安-布罗迪(Adrien Brody)
托马斯-克雷茨曼(Thomas Kretschmann)
弗兰克-芬利(Frank Finlay)
莫琳-李普曼(Maureen Lipman)
导演:罗曼-波兰斯基(Roman Polanski)
http://ent.sina.com.cn 2003年01月15日16:04 新浪娱乐
《钢琴家》在2002年戛纳国际电影节一举夺得最高荣誉“金棕榈”大奖。本片是世界影坛传奇人物罗曼-波兰斯基(Roman Polanski)最新力作。影片是波兰斯基极具个性化的叙述,他苦苦等待了40年才完成这个梦想,这部影片也见证了人类精神的胜利与艺术力量改变人生之间不可分割的信念。

《钢琴家》改编自英国剧作家及编剧家罗纳德-哈伍德(Ronald Harwood,曾编剧获第56届奥斯卡最佳影片奖提名的《戏剧人生》“The Dresser”)撰写的二战期间波兰犹太幸存者瓦拉迪斯劳-斯皮尔曼(Wladyslaw Szpilman,阿德里安-布罗迪饰,Adrien Brody)的自传。瓦拉迪斯劳-斯皮尔曼是波兰一位著名的作曲家和钢琴家,在纳粹战火烧到波兰之前,他还在电台进行了最后一次现场音乐会。在残酷的纳粹铁蹄下,他逃脱了被流放的命运,留在千疮百孔的华沙犹太人区(Warsaw Ghetto)。在哪里,即便是放弃了所热爱的音乐和钢琴,他还是顽强地活了下来。面对恐惧,瓦拉迪斯劳仍希望将来能发挥他音乐方面的天赋,在最意想不到的帮助之下---一位德国军官威尔姆-霍森费尔德(Wilm Hosenfeld,托马斯-克雷茨曼饰,Thomas Kretschmann)在战争的最后一段日子把他藏了起来,瓦拉迪斯劳终于迎来了自由。

本片中,阿德里安-布罗迪(曾主演《山姆的夏天》“Summer of Sam”、《细细的红线》“The Thin Red Line”)饰演瓦拉迪斯劳-斯皮尔曼先生。演出阵容中还包括:托马斯-克雷茨曼(曾出演《刀锋战士2》“Blade II”)、弗兰克-芬利(Frank Finlay,曾出演《4个阻击手》“The Four Musketeers”)、莫琳-李普曼(Maureen Lipman,曾主演《教导丽塔》“Ecating Rita”)、伊米莉亚-福克斯(Emilia Fox,曾主演电视短剧《大卫-科波菲尔》“David Copperfield”)、埃德-斯托帕德(Ed Stoppard,曾出演《小吸血鬼》“The Little Vampire”)、朱莉娅-雷纳(Julia Rayner,曾出演《音乐情结》“Topsy-Turvy”)和新人杰西卡-凯特-迈耶(Jessica Kate Meyer)等。


多年来,罗曼-波兰斯基曾先后4次荣获奥斯卡奖提名:因执导《苔丝》(“Tess”,1979年)和《唐人街》(“Chinatown”,1974年)、改编剧本《罗斯玛丽之婴》(“Rosemary's Baby”,1968年),以及执导成名之作、外语片《水中刀》(“Knife in the Water”,1963年)而问鼎未果。他制作的其它影片包括:《厌恶》(“Repulsion”)、《麦克贝思》(“Macbeth”)、《怪房客》(“The Tenant”)、《惊狂记》(“Frantic”)和《死亡与少女》(“Death and the Maiden”)等。



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