导航:首页 > 电影字幕 > 关于时尚的一些电影英文台词


发布时间:2024-12-30 12:35:01

A. 求电影香奈儿(解读香奈儿)英文台词

1. Some people think luxury is the antithesis of poverty. actually is not, luxury should be the antithesis of vulgar.
2.It is really an amazing thing that choosing to be an indepandent person than loosing the person who is not the right one.
3. Strengh is not build by a series success but failure.
4. In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different .
5. A woman’s body is embodied by her shape and dress.
6. Material is not the matter,the matter is visualization.
7. adornment,is an art, beauty,was the weapon.
8. Without perfume, women have no future.
9. Fashion is not only a matter of clothing.
10. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only.

B. 求电影 穿普拉达的女王的台词剧本

1.Let me know when your whole life goes up in smoke. That means it's time for a promotion.


2.An accessory is merely a piece of iconography... used to express indivial identity.


3.Everybody wants this. Everybody wants to be us.


4.Fashion is not about utility.


5.Tomorrow they can spend another $300,000 reshooting something that was probably fine to begin with, to sell people things they don't need.


6.That's realy what this multibillion-dollar instry is all about anyway, isn't it? Inner beauty.


7.It is not just blue, it's not turquoise... it's actually cerulean.


8.You have no style or sense of fashion.


C. 知不知道什么叫fashion是哪部电影里的台词

《穿普拉达的女王》(The Devil Wears Prada)

D. 谁能给我电影《时尚女魔头》面试部分的台词

Hi. Uh, I have an appointment with Emily Charlton?3
00:03:43,820 --> 00:03:47,310
Andrea Sachs? Yes.4
00:03:47,420 --> 00:03:50,910
Great. Human Resources certainly has an odd sense of humor.5
00:03:51,020 --> 00:03:52,990
Follow me.6
00:03:54,390 --> 00:03:57,230
Okay, so I was Miranda's second assistant...7
00:03:57,330 --> 00:04:00,460
but her first assistant recently got promoted, and so now I'm the first.8
00:04:00,570 --> 00:04:02,860
Oh, and you're replacing yourself. Well, I am trying.9
00:04:02,970 --> 00:04:05,370
Miranda sacked the last two girls after only a few weeks.10
00:04:05,470 --> 00:04:07,870
We need to find someone who can survive here. Do you understand?11
00:04:07,970 --> 00:04:09,910
Yeah. Of course. Who's Miranda?12
00:04:10,010 --> 00:04:13,310
Oh, my God. I will pretend you did not just ask me that.13
00:04:13,410 --> 00:04:16,250
She's the editor in chief of Runway, not to mention a legend.14
00:04:16,350 --> 00:04:20,340
You work a year for her, and you can get a job at any magazine you want.15
00:04:20,450 --> 00:04:22,790
A million girls would kill for this job.16
00:04:22,890 --> 00:04:25,690
It sounds like a great opportunity. I'd love to be considered.17
00:04:28,230 --> 00:04:31,660
Andrea, Runway is a fashion magazine...18
00:04:31,760 --> 00:04:34,730
so an interest in fashion is crucial.19
00:04:34,830 --> 00:04:37,200
What makes you think I'm not interested in fashion?20
00:04:37,370 --> 00:04:41,200
Oh, my God.21
00:04:41,310 --> 00:04:43,210
No! No! No!22
00:04:43,310 --> 00:04:45,470
What's wrong?23
00:04:50,780 --> 00:04:53,480
She's on her way. Tell everyone!24
00:04:53,590 --> 00:04:56,050
She's not supposed to be here until 9:00.25
00:04:56,160 --> 00:04:59,120
Her driver just text messaged, and her facialist ruptured a disk.26
00:04:59,230 --> 00:05:02,420
God, these people! Who's that?27
00:05:02,530 --> 00:05:05,730
That I can't even talk about.28
00:05:05,830 --> 00:05:08,320
All right, everyone! Gird your loins!29
00:05:08,430 --> 00:05:12,100
Did somebody eat an onion bagel?30
00:06:13,970 --> 00:06:15,870
Sorry, Miranda.31
00:06:25,950 --> 00:06:29,640
Move it! Ooh!32
00:06:29,750 --> 00:06:32,840
I don't understand why it's so difficult to confirm an appointment.33
00:06:32,950 --> 00:06:35,920
I know. I'm so sorry, Miranda. I actually did confirm last night.34
00:06:36,020 --> 00:06:38,150
Details of your incompetence do not interest me.35
00:06:38,260 --> 00:06:42,090
Tell Simone I'm not going to approve that girl that she sent me for the Brazilian layout.36
00:06:42,190 --> 00:06:45,760
I asked for clean, athletic, smiling. She sent me dirty, tired and paunchy.37
00:06:45,870 --> 00:06:47,830
And R.S.V.P. Yes to the Michael Kors party.38
00:06:47,930 --> 00:06:51,930
I want the driver to drop me off at 9:30 and pick me up at 9:45 sharp.39
00:06:52,270 --> 00:06:55,410
Call Natalie at Glorious Foods, tell her no for the 40th time.40
00:06:55,410 --> 00:06:59,470
No, I don't want dacquoise. I want tortes filled with warm rhubarb compote.41
00:06:59,580 --> 00:07:02,880
Then call my ex-husband and remind him the parent-teacher conference is at Dalton tonight.42
00:07:02,980 --> 00:07:07,440
Then call my husband, ask him to meet me for dinner at that place I went to with Massimo.43
00:07:07,550 --> 00:07:12,220
Tell Richard I saw the pictures that he sent for that feature on the female paratroopers...44
00:07:12,320 --> 00:07:14,120
and they're all so deeply unattractive.45
00:07:14,230 --> 00:07:17,420
Is it impossible to find a lovely, slender female paratrooper?46
00:07:17,530 --> 00:07:21,260
No. Am I reaching for the stars here? Not really.47
00:07:21,370 --> 00:07:26,240
Also, I need to see all the things that Nigel has pulled for Gwyneth's second cover try.48
00:07:26,340 --> 00:07:29,210
I wonder if she's lost any of that weight yet. Who's that?49
00:07:29,310 --> 00:07:31,610
Nobody. Um, uh...50
00:07:31,710 --> 00:07:36,040
Human Resources sent her up about the new assistant job, and I was preinterviewing her.51
00:07:36,150 --> 00:07:39,050
But she's hopeless and totally wrong for it.52
00:07:39,150 --> 00:07:42,050
Clearly I'm going to have to do that myself because the last two you sent me...53
00:07:42,150 --> 00:07:44,050
were completely inadequate.54
00:07:44,160 --> 00:07:47,560
So send her in. That's all.55
00:07:48,860 --> 00:07:50,830
00:07:53,830 --> 00:07:55,960
She wants to see you. Oh! She does?57
00:07:56,070 --> 00:07:57,970
00:08:01,110 --> 00:08:04,740
This is foul. Don't let her see it. Go! That's...59
00:08:11,250 --> 00:08:13,510
Who are you?60
00:08:13,620 --> 00:08:16,210
Uh, my name is Andy Sachs.61
00:08:16,320 --> 00:08:19,310
I recently graated from Northwestern University.62
00:08:19,430 --> 00:08:22,120
And what are you doing here?63
00:08:22,230 --> 00:08:26,690
Well, I think I could do a good job as your assistant.64
00:08:26,800 --> 00:08:30,130
And, um...65
00:08:30,240 --> 00:08:34,500
Yeah, I came to New York to be a journalist and sent letters out everywhere...66
00:08:34,610 --> 00:08:36,870
and then finally got a call from Elias-Clarke...67
00:08:36,980 --> 00:08:39,600
and met with Sherry up at Human Resources.68
00:08:39,710 --> 00:08:43,050
Basically, it's this or Auto Universe.69
00:08:43,150 --> 00:08:47,550
So you don't read Runway? Uh, no.70
00:08:47,650 --> 00:08:51,180
And before today, you had never heard of me.71
00:08:51,290 --> 00:08:53,190
00:08:53,290 --> 00:08:56,460
And you have no style or sense of fashion.73
00:08:56,560 --> 00:09:01,360
Well, um, I think that depends on what you're...74
00:09:01,470 --> 00:09:04,830
No, no. That wasn't a question.75
00:09:06,770 --> 00:09:11,330
Um, I was editor in chief of the Daily Northwestern.76
00:09:11,440 --> 00:09:15,900
I also, um, won a national competition for college journalists...77
00:09:16,020 --> 00:09:18,880
with my series on the janitors'union, which exposed the exploitation...78
00:09:18,980 --> 00:09:21,350
That's all.79
00:09:27,130 --> 00:09:29,620
Yeah. You know, okay.80
00:09:29,730 --> 00:09:31,700
You're right. I don't fit in here.81
00:09:31,800 --> 00:09:34,930
I am not skinny or glamorous...82
00:09:35,030 --> 00:09:37,230
and I don't know that much about fashion.83
00:09:37,340 --> 00:09:39,830
But I'm smart.84
00:09:39,940 --> 00:09:41,960
I learn fast and I will work very hard.85
00:09:42,070 --> 00:09:44,540
I got the exclusive on the Cavalli for Gwyneth...86
00:09:44,640 --> 00:09:48,010
but the problem is, with that huge feathered headdress that she's wearing...87
00:09:48,110 --> 00:09:50,710
she looks like she's working the main stage at the Golden Nugget.88
00:09:50,820 --> 00:09:54,550
Thank you for your time.89
00:09:54,650 --> 00:09:57,490
Who is that sad little person?90
00:09:57,590 --> 00:10:00,560
Are we doing a before-and-after piece I don't know about?91
00:10:06,100 --> 00:10:08,530
Brown and Law, please? Thank you.

E. 窈窕淑女英文电影10句经典台词

1、Henry Higgins: The streets will bestrewn withthe boies of men,shootingthemselvesforyour sake before I’m done with you.

亨利 希金斯:等我把你教好了,整条街都将堆满男人的尸体,他们会争着向你求婚决斗致死。

2、If yourefuse this offeryou will be the most ungratedful,wiched girl and theangels will weep for you!如果你拒绝这么好的条件,你就是个最无情的坏姑娘,天使都会为你哭泣。

3、What I done what I did wasnot forthe taxis and the dresses,but becausewe were pleasant together and I come to care for you .Not to want you to make love to me and not forgetting the difference between us, but more friendly like.


4、The moment I let a womanmake friends with me,she becomes jealous,exacting,suspicious and a damned nuisance.The moment that I make friends with a woman I become selfish and tyranical.So here I am ,a confirmed old bechelor and likely to remain so.


5、Damn,damn,damn,damn.I’ve grownaccustomed toher face.She almost makes the day begin.I’ve grown accustomed to the tune that she whistles night and noon,her smiles,her frowns,her ups, her downs aresecond nature to me.

该死的,该死的, 我已经习惯了每天见到她,是她让新的一天开始,我已经习惯了她从早到晚的口哨声,她的一颦一笑,已经成为了我天性需要的一部分,就像呼吸与吸气。

6、Surely I could always be the way again,and yet I’ve grownaccustomed toher looks.Accustomed toher voice,accustomed toher face.我当然可以回到从前,但我已经习惯了她的样子,习惯了她的声音,习惯了她的脸庞。

7、Ican’t afford’em, Governor.Neithercould you if you was as poor as me.我买不起道德,大人,你像我一样穷也会这样。

8、I mean to go onbeing undeserving.I like it an’that’s the truth.我可以不用救济过活,但确实乐意有救济。

9、Ihave to livefor others now,not formyself. Middle-class morality. 我得为别人而活,而不是为自己,所谓的中产阶级道德。

10、I won’t be called a baggage.Not when I ‘ve offered to play like any lady.我可不是个东西,我是来付钱给你的女士。

F. 经典电影英文台词





In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. Just sk for meeting you in my most beautiful years.


I don't think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's aselecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the least. And then be a simple man.


When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop. Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us. If the sky is still vast , clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn't take away the world that belongs to you.


Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.


Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last.


I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you.


Love makes man grow up or sink down.


When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love.All this needs a very big mind.


When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forward by time. This is not a train instill in which you may feel forward when another train goes by. It is the truth that we've all grown up.And we become different.


If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.


Don’t forget the things you once you owned. Treasure the things you can’t get. Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.


I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time. For example, when you love someone, changes are all around. Then I step backward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings.


Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.


We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. And then begin to love. Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to love or how long it will be. Just wait for one love. Maybe no one will come out, but this kind of waiting is the love itself.


Is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We always think that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing in the world. But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize that it's always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but in fact it's very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time.


In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness.


An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting.A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.


I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.


If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it's called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.


We all live in the past. We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone.



Miracles happen every day.


A bad thing is going to happen.


Mama always said that death is a part of life.


I am not smart, but I know what love is.


Stupid people do stupid things, can also be understood as fools have fortune.


People can learn a lot of things through other people's shoes.


People spend a lot of time on boring things.


You can only move on if you forget the past.


If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away.


Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.


Past disappointments and pride, confusion and clarity, are not so important.


I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental like on a breeze.


Mother said, to move forward, you have to forget the past. I think, this is the intention of running.


I can't tell where the sky is, where it started. So beautiful.


Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.


I do not understand, we have a different fate, or, we are only in the wind, the loss of drift.


Fortune a man really needs is just a bit, the rest are used to show, is to be the ancient Chinese saying: longitudinal have thousands of mansions, night sleep three feet to.


I don't think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's a selecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the most important and what's the most important. And then be a simple man.


Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what will taste what kind of taste. Why chocolate instead of lollipop, because in American chocolate usually have 12 or 24 blocks, each with different packaging and taste of shapes and colors, before there is no mark. Only the opening in the mouth, taste only after personal sorrow and joy.



You jump, I jump.


Life is full of luck.


To make every day value.


Can you give us a chance to live?


The purpose of university is to find a good husband.


Nothing can destroy the will of the will.


I'd rather be his bitch than be your wife.


We're women. Our choices are never easy.


Love is worth pursuing, money is indispensable.


Don't do that, don't say goodbye, hold on, you understand?


As long as you have the money, they will be with you.


Look, I am a well ecated lady, inside, I was screaming.


If we can not be together, what is the meaning of life? Run away with me.



Beauty and pain are always in a story.


The singer is just a voice, the voice behind the towering mountains.


I know you'll come back and hold me up, standing in the wind. I have nothing.


Will you love me for the rest of my life? No, I'll love you till the end of my life.


New lovers are nervous, Rouqingsishui, because the heart such as fire fling caution to the winds.

著名英文电影台词大全 6、哈纳想了解英国病人,融进他的思绪,深藏其中可逃避成人的世界。

She want to know the English patient, into his deep thoughts, which can escape from the alt world.


Your breathing is rain, before I die, how eager to rain my face again landing.


What do you hate the most? He asked. Lies, what about you? Possession, he said, when you leave, you forget me.


I've wanted to walk in such a place with you, with friends. An earth without maps.


Some tribes in the windy, towards the wind flashed their hands. They believe that when the right moment is made, you can shift the wind.


In half of the time, I can not do without you, in the other half of the time, I think it does not matter, this is not how much I love you, and how much I can bear.


We want to know something, want to find out the conversation to lure us, antecedents and consequences, the language used to lead us into the urn. We are eager to grow and change, we want to explore the unknown world.


She struck a match and lit a candle in the dark corridor. The candle lit up her shoulders. She knelt down, hands on the thighs, breathe in the smell of sulfur. He imagined himself in the light.


Sitting in the window on the sapper. If he could go through the room to touch her, the English patient would be awake. But between them lay a dangerous and perplexing distance. It was a very wide world.


The betrayal of war is used to compare with the betrayal of the people of peace in peace. People fall in love fall into each other's temperament. Or tense or gentle words, crushing everything, and create new things, a raging fire burning in my heart.


A love story with those terrorizing the unrelated, but with those find the heart of the heart of unhappy people, when I chanced to meet the body fool people, can't fool all -- he could not sleep, can not cope with. It consumes itself and the past.


In the shadow of her brain will be full of pukki. When he is working, his world is always full of clear and harmonious music, and the human world is gone. He didn't expect to be so comfortable, he just wanted to be with her, and she was waiting for her in this room. He no longer admits his faults, and does not want to expose his shortcomings to each other.


For you can not have, you just escape, or transfer their attention. If you fail in one thing, you take the other thing as a place, nothing can change you. You stand in front of me, sometimes is so indifferent, sometimes so silent, like a little of your personality as long as exposure, is the greatest betrayal of yourself. I know I can't change you, so I leave you.


I believe in these things. When we meet the sweetheart, our hearts will part as a historian, bookish, imagine or remember once where have I seen this person, once and she was inadvertently pass. Just a year ago where Clifton may open the door for you, miss your own destiny. However our body every part must be ready for the people, all the molecules are in the same direction ran, so desire ascension.



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