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发布时间:2022-05-21 02:36:19

① 关于3个同学一起聊一部电影并相约一起去看的英语对话

A :What do you think about 'the Sound of Music'?
B:I think it's very wonderful.How do you like it,C?
C:Oh, I haven't see it yet. If this is a wonderful movie ,would you see it with again?
A: Oh, when shall we meet?I am afraid I have no time these days.
B:It's nothing. We can go to see it before we go to school. Band C:Ok, let's talk it when we meet next. B:See you again.

② 用英语和美国人聊电影 要怎么开头中间怎么说后面怎么结尾

一般开头是hey, what do you think of that movie,……

③ 今天请你们来是想跟你们聊一聊关于电影方面的话题,英语怎么说

Today you have been invited to join you on film.

④ “Jerry正和朋友聊电影呢”的英文

jerry is talking about the film(movie) with his friends.

⑤ 请帮我翻译一篇英语作文: 今天我想和大家聊聊电影,我平时很喜欢看电影。因为电影能给生活带来乐趣。你

Today I want to talk about movies, I'm crazy about
watching movies in my spare time. Because movies can
always bring so much fun into my life. So do you like
watching movies? I watched a movie named Spirited Away
a few days ago, which tells a little girl who was
moving home with her parents, and she got into a
banned place by accident.However with her efforts and
the help of her friends, she finally became free
again. In my opinon, it's a intersting and meaningful
movie. This movie inspired me in life that the most
important thing is to stay kind and brave. What also
moved me is that the friendship between the little
girl and her friends.

⑥ 我们可以用电脑做很多事,比如聊天看电影等等(用英语怎么说)

We can achieve a lot with a computer, such as chatting and watching films.

⑦ 地道美语:如何用英语聊电影 最近辞职了,一直很无聊,想提升下英语

看美剧 生活大爆炸 什么的



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