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发布时间:2025-03-09 23:30:11

『壹』 英语电影影评

冰河世纪The glacier starts to melt,the disaster will erupt.Once a glacier time being born was 20th century Fox sings has made a sound the gospel.Does smiles three swordsmen -- machairses to enlighten Ye Ge, the tree otter hopes Germany and fierce elephant Manny,with 60 million US dollars manufactures expenses,created the first box office to break through 200 million animation long pieces the record,also has won the global nearly 400 million US dollars box offices.
The sequel inferior to the previous work, gains to run obviously is not Fox goal,With the many days careful manufacture, the slow merit left the delicate work "the glacier to melt".Not only lets animation confusing await eagerly, also has decided on in advance the idea which before surmounting does!Secretly the original members still are famous "the blue sky work room",The style also maintains does smiles warmly is invariable, but the movie has actually carried on a most important change,Let that only bad luck tenacious steadily two teeth the inferior squirrel shoulders the summer beam.This only in order to bury the loose fruit actually to initiate the big avalanche gold medal supporting role really is too receives welcome,The light looked how this prehistoric small squirrel does carry on under the iceberg favorable crag extremely has the limit challenge to seek the loose fruit movement,The excavation, the diving, smells searches, sways back and forth, continues to make the crack glacier, the initiation diastrophism, subsequently "the deconstruction world",Already had has smiled the broken belly the guarantee!
Said the solid speech, this flat and thin piece very is really good! Did not look is your regret!
"Kung Fu Panda" is coming. While the White may also be said that, but I do want to say, "Kung Fu Panda" How I Met Your Mother is a suitable wife and kids love a friend Duier a classmate of my colleagues look at the animation works. In particular, it recruit laugh, especially dazzling, and quite inspirational - in addition to those who intend to lose weight or are in the men would not serve any purpose other than to encourage the role. When I walked into the cinema, Guang when to take that, is a national language bbing, but also somewhat disappointing, not a few, I feel very good. Think "Kung Fu Panda" is a "Chinese" cartoons, then say in Chinese is no longer normal - at least not look tired. However, in order to avoid misunderstanding, or to be more than one mouth, I do not think the film bbing is well deserved. "Kung Fu Panda," the voice, let us recognize that the Chinese film instry above those of the tota Lee King, are little by little from the clouds and close to the gas. They are no longer used at every turn on the block like the hands on how much more like a small pagoda on a small number of dections you die, and it seems to have some fun with the people openly trend. I mean, before the King who is also a tota Lee, "the Lok Lok Man", but not openly, after all, we are all human beings do, Qiqingliuyu, then going on to children. There is a tacit understanding of the situation there is a long, Tota Lee King were to decide that we can at the cinema to see what can not see what, and who we want to see, look at the favorite, Li Jing who is also the most The love and want to see, and the difference is we do not surreptitiously. There is no denying that the audience is a country's film instry can thrive cornerstone. We are a bright and lively avant-garde naughty rebellious Prince Nacha three for possession of our father was, of course, we hope that he will not always be a Bugouyanxiao, Tubie the dignified old-fashioned style. So when "Kung Fu Panda", there have been bbed the "anything is possible" and "it is quite popular, and so on ......" terms, the audience will know that this includes the" humor "," network "And" street sense "that the tota Lee King a little bit, he would like to make friends of the son of Ne Zha. Panda in particular the phrase "my JJ", so that the audience in a little surprising to us, is a very, very happy and relaxed with a great sense of relief really. Because our film culture, have finally accepted a measure of male genitalia of a joke. Please be assured that time will prove that the sentence "My JJ", in Chinese film-trial investigation system development over a long period, have a great significance of the milestone. After a number of years if some people want to write about the history of Chinese film and the book and get it Pianqian Taiweibalang to establish their own position, "Kung Fu Panda" in the sentence "My JJ" the voice is bound to be great Letters, as it is not in the past around the monument. The audience was a little surprised from the system after the instinct to judge, in the past, if there is such "indecent" composition, or voice to "Hao Tong ah," "I Tengsi" and so on, and then as usual With the original images, or simply the security Kaka in the first period to cut the whole movie - before we review the way the film is based on the standard Li Jing to the purification of all movies. In today's "Kung Fu Panda", Lee King tota not our own "national treasure" for the castration, for which we would rather believe that this is the increased level of Li Jing, rather than cold-drawn "I let you a happy return . " "Kung Fu Panda" look very good.

『贰』 用英语介绍电影《阿凡达》

这是一场大师级的视觉盛宴,是绝不可错过的一次梦境旅行。《阿凡达》张开了想象,也张开了你内心的善意。 导演对生命的敬意,在电影中流露无遗。 这不是

『叁』 跪求英语电影海报的英语介绍

The legend of the Mid-Autumn Festival

Mooncakes are to Mid-Autumn Festival what mince pies are to Christmas. The seasonal round cakes traditionally have a sweet filling of lotus seed paste or red bean paste and often have one or more salted ck eggs in the center to represent the moon. And the moon is what this celebration is all about. Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th month, it is the time when the moon is said to be at its brightest and fullest. This year the festival falls on October 1.

『肆』 英语看电影的心得要英语版的 要交作业了

1. 乱世佳人:

Set in the Civil War, "Gone with the wind" tells the story of beautiful Scarlett O'Hara.
With each viewing, I grow to love this movie more. The most unforgettable scene is where Scarlett is walking through town where the wounded/dead soldiers are laying and the camera pans out further and further until you see the rebel flag waving and to me it is the defining scene of this film. The cinematography is beautiful and the special effects can rival the effects we have today. If you are a fan of classic film, do not miss this one.

2. 阿甘正传

Forrest Gump is so unique because of the character Forrest Gump himself, who has a low IQ of only 75. I love that Forrest doesn't lose his innocence and purity throughout the movie, or maybe he just can't but either way, this shows you don't need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful. It is just a movie, so maybe it doesn't work like that in reality. What that simply means is that the acting and story of this film was incredibly touching on a real level. And in my definition that's what a good movie should be able to do.

3. 纳尼亚传奇3黎明踏浪号:

It is time for Lucy and Edmund to have their adventure. Who better to have it with than Prince Caspian. Voyage of The Dawn Treader opens in war time Britain, allowing a slight glimpse into the spirit of the country's youth. The adventure begins in the home setting of the Pevensie's cousin, who is well portrayed as a constantly complaining brat of a kid and adds comedic spice to the tale. With just enough surprises and well done special effects, I found this episode to be a delightful Christmas Day movie.

『伍』 两部英语原版电影介绍。

二战争结束后,本杰明重返美国。此时的他已然摆脱了儿时老态的模样,渐渐成长为帅气且魅力十足的中年人。并且,命中注定般地在纽约与儿时的梦中情人黛茜重逢。而此时黛茜也出落成一位风姿可人、事业成功的漂亮舞者了。两人经过成熟的交往之后,终于在年龄和外表都完全匹配的情况下一同度过了幸福美好的几年时光。但是,随着时间的继续,本杰明继续年轻,英俊阳光的他也吸引来另一位迷人姑娘伊丽莎白·阿伯特(蒂尔达·斯温顿饰)的闯入。就在所有人都苦于岁月带给他们的衰老之时,本杰明·巴顿却犹如返老还童一般逆行而上。就像这个经历了两次世界大战洗礼过的世界一样,愈发地显现出青春活力。与此同时,巴顿与爱人们的关系也遭遇了种种难以逾越的障碍…… 《盗梦空间》道姆·柯布(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)与同事阿瑟(约瑟夫·戈登-莱维特 Joseph Gordon-Levitt 饰)和纳什(卢卡斯·哈斯 Lukas Haas 饰)在一次针对日本能源大亨齐藤(渡边谦 饰)的盗梦行动中失败,反被齐藤利用。齐藤威逼利诱因遭通缉而流亡海外的柯布帮他拆分他竞争对手的公司,采取极端措施在其唯一继承人罗伯特·费希尔(希里安·墨菲 Cillian Murphy 饰)的深层潜意识中种下放弃家族公司、自立门户的想法。为了重返美国,柯布偷偷求助于岳父迈尔斯(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰),吸收了年轻的梦境设计师艾里阿德妮(艾伦·佩吉 Ellen Page 饰)、梦境演员艾姆斯(汤姆·哈迪 Tom Hardy 饰)和药剂师约瑟夫(迪利普·劳 Dileep Rao 饰)加入行动。在一层层递进的梦境中,柯布不仅要对付费希尔潜意识的本能反抗,还必须直面已逝妻子梅尔(玛丽昂·歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard 饰)的处处破坏,实际情况远比预想危险得多……

『陆』 逆光飞翔电影简介英语版翻译

《逆光飞翔》(英语:Touch of the Light)是一部2012年的台湾电影,改编自真人真事,描述一名全盲钢琴家与梦想成为舞者的女孩,一段好友互相鼓励勇敢逐梦的历程。
Touch of the Light is a 2012 Taiwanese drama film directed by Chang Jung-Chi.[1] The film was selected as the Taiwanese entry for the Best Foreign Language Oscar at the 85th Academy Awards, but it did not make the final shortlist.
天生眼盲的裕翔,首次离家北上念书,他琴弹得好,却坚持不参加任何比赛,因为不想被同情,他只想跟大家过得一样。此时,他遇见爱跳舞的小洁,因故被迫放弃学舞,却交了个一跳街舞就闪耀着光芒的男友,暖阳般的裕翔走进她的世界,融化了小洁冰冷的心。裕翔的勇敢深深牵引小洁;而小洁带领裕翔经历不曾有过的冒险。他们填补彼此遗失的力量,就算梦想遥不可及,也不再是独自面对。 青春的他们,大声嘶吼着,现在的他们,朝着最初的梦想,迈开步伐,逆光而行。
Based on true events related to the life of Taiwanese piano prodigy Huang Yu-Siang (Siang played by himself), this is a story of inspiration, discovery and love. Born to a rural family in Taiwan unprepared for the birth of a blind son, Siang was a curious and precocious child. Touch and sound was everything to him. With the love of his mother and support of his family, he grew up with no barriers - that is until he had to face the real world as he left his family behind in order to attend university where he had to compete on the same playing field as the sighted students and to find his own way. He soon crossed paths with Jie (Sandrine Pinna), a beautiful but frustrated cold drinks vendor who dreams of being a dancer, but whose struggles against the harsh realities of her life render her helpless. However, when she witnesses Siang's fearless determination and understood his optimism and inner peace, she is inspired and determined to hold on to her dream. Touch of the Light - a story ...



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