『壹』 马达加斯加英文台词
1.Okay, let's make a good impression on the people. Smiles everyone, let's get it together. Is that the best you can do, Melman?
2.I like my jam, I love to move my body! When you move your body,you move it nice and sweet and sassy.
3.I'm loving San Diego, this place is off to Shizam!
4.Wait, where's Alex?What happened to him? He was right behind us. Were he right behind us?
5.I don't know how things, normally run around here, but obviously there's been some sort of major screw up which is cool.
6.They are aliens. Savage aliens, from the savage future.
7.They've come to kill us!And take our women! And our precious meadows!
8.Nonsense, Maurice! Come on everybody!Let's go and meet the pansies!
9.The feet! I told you!Didn't I tell you about the feet?
10.Get up, Mort. Do not be near the King's feet, okay? Shh! We're hiding.
11.I have devised a gunning test. To see whether these are savage killers.
12.You Let me handle it. Alex handles it. Marty does nothing.
13.You hate it. I should have gotten you the Alex alarm clock. That's the one, that's the big seller.
14.Rock the old that,get out there, who knows what you're gonna do! Make it up as you go along!Add limb, improvise, on the fire!
15.Yes, it's future day,let's get up and go! Ten more minutes.
16.Yeah, I wanted to give, you something personal. You know that was my first rectal thermometer.
17.No sir, I'm telling you! It is bad luck! You want some bad luck? I'll blow it out, but if you wanna be safe...
18.Marty buddy, listen. Everybody has days when they think the grass might be greener somewhere else.
19.Wait a second. We can't call the people. They'll be really mad!
20.It happens to everybody.The city gets to us all. just went a little cuckoo in the head.
21.Would you get a guy a break? We're just gonna take my little friend to your home and forget this ever happened. All right?
22.Love? If the people loved you,it's only because they didn't know the real you!
23.I'm swimming back to New York! I know I can't swim, but I have to try!
24.Wait a minute, I didn't want to tell you. Remember? You guys made me tell you. Besides, this isn't bad luck, this is good luck. Look around. There's no fences,no scheles, this place is beautiful!
25.And do whatever the hack you, wanna do all day long. And this, this is the good side of the island, for those who love New York and care about going home.
26.You have them compare to how much I like them.
27.Maurice, you did not raise your hand. Therefore your speech comment will be stricken from the record. Does anyone else have the freebie-freebies?
28.No, it's great.It's really great. Does It get any better than this?
29.ow about a run?Let's get our blood pumping, get those lungs breathing at all, this fresh air, who's with me?
30.This is my territory! Understand? I never ever wanna see you on my turf again!
31.Come on, time to robot! I am a very clever king.I am super genius. I am robot king of the monkey kin.
但有一天,马蒂的想法被几个偶然间出现在中央公园里的流浪企鹅所深深地改变了。马蒂的好奇心也在逐渐地膨胀中驱使着自己最终作出了寻找故乡、以及进行探险“新世界”的决定。“隆重”的生日过后,几个好朋友正在各自享受着这美好的生活带给他们的一切。然 而,好友马蒂却在这个幸福的夜晚之后不翼的消失了。亚利克斯他们尽最大的努力欲寻回好友,然而,他们逃出中央公园的遭遇却不令人满意,第一次的失败过后,第二次的伟大尝试很快就到来了,而这一次,他们更是来到了开往遥远的非洲家园的轮船上。此时,四位好友 再度团聚。但他们发现,他们脚下已经不再是繁华的纽约城了,而是遥远的马达加斯加岛。
『贰』 《马达加斯加的企鹅》电影版的英语剧本
An inhospitable wasteland.
But even here, on the Earth's frozen bottom,
we find life.
And not just any life.
它们欢乐嬉戏 蹒跚而行
Joyous, frolicking, waddling,
cute and cuddly life.
看 它们毛茸茸的肚子前后相碰
Look at them tumbling onto their chubby bum-bums.
Who could take these frisky little snow clowns...
等等 有人知道我们要去哪么
Seriously? Does anyone even know where we're marching to?
-有什么关系呢 -我从不问东问西的
-Who cares? -I question nothing.
-我也是 -我也是
-Me, too. -Me, too.
好吧 那我们就飞到最前面去
Well, fine! We'll just fly
to the front of the line and see for ourselves.
科沃斯基 瑞哥 开启空中探险模式
Kowalski! Rico! Engage aerial surveillance.
走吧 来啊 快点
Here we go! Doing it! Come on!
老大 我们好像不能飞
Skipper, we appear to be flightless.
Well, what's the point of these?
哇 我喜欢 可以当做我们的招牌动作
Whoa! I like it! Hey, this could be our thing!
叫什么呢 就叫击掌好了
What are we gonna call it? Let's call it the... "High one."
嘿 你们看见了么 那个蛋滚走了 谁去把它找回来
Hey! Anybody see that? That's an egg! Is someone gonna go get it?
-我们不能那么做 -为什么
-We can't do that. -Why not?
外面的世界很危险的 我们只是企鹅
Well, it's a dangerous world out there, and we're just penguins.
You know, nothing but cute and cuddly.
Yeah. Why do you think
there are always documentary crews filming us?
安啦 孩子们
Well, sorry, kid. You know,
我们每年都会遗失一些没出生的宝宝 自然规则而已
we lose a few eggs every year. It's just nature.
好吧 自然规律 说得好像有道理
Oh, right, nature. I guess that makes sense, but...
something deep down in my
gut tells me that it makes no sense at all.
我决定了 我要反对自然规律
You know what? I reject nature!
Who's with me?!
那是艘废弃的船 没有人能活着从那里走出来
The old ship. No one's ever returned from there alive.
怎么会 下面就有一只鸟 看起来很悠闲
Relax, Kowalski. There's a bird down there now. Look, he's fine.
豹斑海豹 大自然的毒蛇
Leopard seals... nature's snakes.
Aren't snakes nature's snakes?
我怎么会知道 我天天住在这冻原里
How should I know? I live on the flipping frozen tundra.
它们要吃那个蛋 快想办法让我下去 快
They're going for the egg! Give me a way down