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发布时间:2022-03-13 20:17:50

『壹』 英文电影观后感

《2012》的观后感Each piece will be a disaster, people to ponder for a while, mostly from the fear of human beings to nature. 美国的灾难片会让人多沉思一会,因为在震撼的场面之中总会加入一些关于人性的探讨。 The United States, more than a disaster film will make people ponder for a while, because the shock will always include some of the scenes among the discussion about human nature.
艾默里奇在之前一次的采访中曾经说过,《2012》将会成为灾难片的终结者。 Emmerich once in the previous interview once said, "2012" will be a disaster film's demise. 三个小时的电影看下来,虽然不能保证说后无来者,但是的确前无古人,而且即使这是一部不能带上脑子、只要带上眼球的电影,想要超越也不是一件能够轻易做到的事。 Three hours of movie watching down, we can not guarantee that none ever after, but it really unprecedented, but even if this is a can not bring my mind, as long as the eye onto the film and want to go beyond is not one to easily achieve thing. 至少,里面出色的特效能让人的肾上腺素和汗液的分泌都增加许多——如此足以载入史册的特效制作,可是占据了片尾字幕几乎一半长度的庞大的特效工作人员的成果,当然还有庞大的经费支持。 At a minimum, which is good for the good effects of adrenaline and sweat secretion increased in number - so enough to go down in history effects proction, but account for almost half of the length of the end credits of the effects of a large staff of the results, of course, huge financial support. 艾默里奇把地震、海啸、火山喷发这样的灾害全部集中起来,并且用远超历史记录可能存在的强度和范围把整个地球摇来晃去,产生了各种我们平时想都不敢想的场景,比如让肯尼迪号航母把白宫压爆啊,海啸漫过喜马拉雅山啊等等,足以让之前的同类影片相形见绌。 Emmerich to earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions such a disaster all together, and used far more than the historical record may exist in the intensity and scope of the whole earth shaking to Akira to go, resulting in a variety we usually think the unthinkable scene, for example so that the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy to the White House press blasting ah, ah tsunami submerged the Himalayas, etc., enough to make a similar video before the dwarfs. 甚至为了地震场景的拍摄,特效组制做了专门的可以摇动的平台,用来让演员有更真实的演出。 Even to the earthquake scene of shooting, special effects team have done a special system that can shake the platform for allowing his actors to a more realistic performance. 人类的灭亡倘若真能如此华丽,倒也不算太糟糕。 If the extinction of mankind really could be so beautiful, the idea is not too bad. 与特效相关的一点,是其中那些方舟的设计,诸如可以升起来的塔台、侧面可开启的舱门、巨大的传动装置和具有巨大科幻感的外形,无一不是吸引人的地方呐。 And effects related point, is one of those Ark design, such as the tower can rise up the side of the door can be opened, a huge sci-fi gear, and with great sense of shape, and both are attractive places na.
世界末日对整个人类来说是一个最大的考验,如果明天一切都将不存在,你会怎么做? End of the world for the whole of humanity is one of the biggest test, if tomorrow, all would not exist, how would you do? 你更关注的是生存还是尊重? You are more concerned about the survival or respected? 选择前者的是那位俄罗斯富豪,选择后者的是那位美国总统。 Who choose the former is the Russian billionaire, who opt for the latter is the U.S. president. 然而,因为人性使然,总统醒悟之前一直在剥夺民众的知情权,富豪最终却用自己的生命托起了下一代。 However, because of human nature, the president wake up until the deprivation of the people's right to know, the rich end up with their own lives hold up the next generation.
如果真有世界末日,我们是注定买不到方舟船票的,注定要被大海啸吞噬的。 If there end of the world, we are doomed to buy tickets the ark, and is destined to be swallowed by the tsunami. 所以,记得一定要在2012前好好珍惜没有地震没有火山没有洪水的日子。 Therefore, we must remember that before 2012 there is no treasure there is no volcanic earthquakes do not flood days. 阿凡达英语观后感Yesterday I went to watch 3D IMAX 'Avatar' with my mother and the teachers in her school. I have to admit that the film is such a wonder that I thought it is well worth watching in one's whole life. 'Avatar' is not just a film. Yes the view in it is really beautiful, charming, amazing, wonderful...I can use hundreds of words to discribe what I saw. The film is not just about the love story between a 'human' and a Na'vi princess, but also a ecational file.

The film has someting in common with the USA history. The Na'vi people live on the planet called Pandora, seems like the Indian people who used to live on the America continent. They first welcomed the new guys who came to settled on the new land. They gave them food, provide them with warm clothing, and taught them the living skills, including how to hunt, to build house... But soon everything changed. The settlers became robbers. They robbed many things of the Indians, and treated them very bad, even began to drive them out of their living places. The Indians became homeless. What a shame! The new settlers treated their benedactor in such a crul way. How coldblood they were.

In this film, the charactors were just changed. The Americans are changed into human beeings, and the locol Indians turn into the Na'vi people on the Pandora. They begin to rob again. They, or should I say 'we' are miserly. We have already damaged too much on the earth. The environment has been destroyed, the water has been wasted, the air has been polluted, the forest has been cut, millions of animals have been killed and we can never see them again. It is just so sad! I just cannot stand it. We must live in harmony with the nature.

On the The U.N. Climate Change conference, which was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, our Chinese govenmengt published our aim, recing the Carbon Dioxide. The USA government did not promise anything, they just focus on their own instry development. Do they really want to act like what the film has shown? Though I admire Mr. Obama, I can't understand why did he do this.

In the film, I saw a Circumstances, the commander told the soldior that the Na'vi people believe that the Eywa would bless them everybody laughed at it. Because they don't have anything to believe in. Or can I say they just believe in themselves. It is so sad! People hang together because they have the same belief. But the soldiors in this film, have completed been coldblood killer. What did they fight for? For resources? Then they're robbers. For the commander's orders? Then they're idiot...

『贰』 英文电影读后感


『叁』 英语电影读后感

Titanic directed by James Cameron presents a fictional love story on the historical setting of the Titanic. The plot is simple, noncomplicated, or not for those who love plots that twist and turn and keep you in suspense. The end of the movie can be figured out within minutes of the start of the film, but the love story is an interesting one, however. Kate Winslett is wonderful as Rose, an aristocratic young lady betrothed by Cal (Billy Zane). Early on the voyage Rose meets Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio), a lower class artist on his way to America after winning his ticket aboard Titanic in a poker game. If he wants something, he goes and gets it unlike the upper class who are so concerned with their social worries. The two fall in love and the audience sees the sinking of the Titanic primarily through their eyes.

The movie begins in modern times with the exploration of the wreck by a group searching for treasures, that sunk with the Titanic, which has recently occurred. One of the survivors of the Titanic, Rose DeWitt Bukater, who had heard of the exploration of the wreck on television and is flown to the boat where the search is being led from to tell of what she remembers to help the search. She gets to telling her memory of the one and only voyage of the Titanic. With this, the scene shifts to Southhampton, Ireland where the Titanic set sail from on April 10, 1912 as all the passengers are boarding. After another stop on the Irish coast Titanic went out to see on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic bound for New York. Historically the first few days of the voyage went by uneventful, but the fictional plot of the story is developed ring this time as Rose sees the hopeless entrapement of an engagement that she is in to the wealthy Cal Hockley and falls in love with third class passenger, Jack Dawson. Captain Smith alledgedly as shown in the movie was urged by the White Star Line Director to increase the speed of the ship so they would make the newspaper headlines and receive extra publicity by arriving in New York on Thursday night and not on Friday morning as planned. Smith then ordered the fateful decision going against his thirty-two years of experience to stretch the Titanic's legs out to full speed. The Titanic had reports that the waters in the Atlantic they were sailing in were full of icebergs, but they ignored these warnings and proceeded at full speed as shown in the movie. On April 15, 1912 at 11:39, an iceberg was sighted. They attempted to shut off the engines and turn the ship out of the path of the iceberg but there was not enough time and the ship hit the iceberg on the starboard side as depicted in the film. The portrayal of the many small holes in the side of the ship and not one large gash along the side is accurate. The crew of Titanic sent out distress calls and set off distress rockets as shown until 2:18 when the lights finally failed. The lights of the California were spotted six miles away but they failed to realize what was going on and did not respond to Titanic's many pleas for help. The California had tried earlier in the day to warn Titanic of the severe ice that had caused them to stop their trip but Titanic had brushed them off causing the California to turn off its radio and leave the Titanic on its own. The first class women and children were the first as depicted to be put into the twenty lifeboats that were on the ship. Overwhelmingly the third class passengers suffered the most amount of deaths of any class and the crew was hit hard in this tragedy too. The word of White Star Line employees and first class passengers was believed over that of second and third class passengers when authorities were trying to gain information of the sinking. Also, the metal that was used to build the Titanic has been found in recent years under conditions of severe cold, which were experienced the night Titanic sank to be extremely brittle. Overall, the basic plot is very accurate in its portayal of the events and the times at which these events took place on the Titanic.
ROSE说:“我觉得这一生不外如此,像活了一辈子似的,又像是站在悬崖边上,没人 拉我回来,没人关心,甚至无人理会.”我从这句话中,我仿佛看到了自己.在这个物欲横流的时代,我其实就像站在悬崖上一般,不堪一击.

『肆』 5篇英文电影观后感(用英语写的)60词左右

Or the dream factory has always been the high standard, the screen exquisite detail, vivid characters vivid, touching story twists and turns, the most important thing is it in the most simple and easy to understand that the way of a token, that is - there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats, the only winning Famen is believe in themselves.
This film was absolutely amazing. I have spent hours re-watching various scenes and noticing all the perfection with which they are acted and directed. It's not the violence or action sequences that make this movie so great (although they are well done...), but rather moments like where Mathilda knocks on Leon's door. It would be so easy to just film the door opening, but instead we see light illuminating Natalie Portman's face, symbolizing something angelic. And the moment has so much more meaning.

I know a lot of people who have seen this film because they are action fans. I'm not. But I'm glad I finally found it, because it's a wonderful film in so many other ways.
Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends. The central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world, after which he seeks to subjugate the Muggle (non-magical) world to his rule.
动画喜剧 海底总动员
Somewhere, under the sea, weak-finned clown fish Nemo (Alexander Gould) lives with his fretful father, Marlin (Albert Brooks). Smothered by pop's paranoia, he ventures away from the reef, but his dad's dread is justified when a passing diver whisks him away.
Taken to a tank in a Sydney dentists, Nemo meets Gill (Willem Dafoe) and co - friendly fish who dream of escaping to the ocean. Meanwhile, Marlin bumps into a blue tang named Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), and sets out to save his son...
The splendour of natural history hit The Blue Planet is matched by the wit of the script and stars. Barry Humphries has a terrific cameo as a great white shark who's sworn off killing (Remember, fish are friends, not food!), while DeGeneres provides perfect timing and tone as Dory, whose short-term memory loss is a gag that never stops running
There are so many amazing things in the world.这个世界上有太多不可思议的事情。If tomorrow is the end of the world,what can we do?如果明天是世界末日,我们可以做什么?So now,i think we should keep smile everyday.所以现在,我觉得我们应该每天都微笑。After i finish the movie of "2012The end of the world",I feel very upset about that.我看完“2012世界末日”这电影之后,我感到很悲伤。When I saw the people die in the movie,I thought about if this event will happen to us,will we die very helpless?当我看到人类在这个电影里死了,我想到了如果这件事情发生在我们身上,我们会死得很无助吗?If we have to die,I'll choose the one happy ending,like we have to cherish what we have now.如果我们一定要死,我会选择一个开心的结局,就好像我们一定要珍惜我们现在拥有的一切!My family and my friends are love me,there are so many people love me!我的家人和我的朋友都很爱我,有很多人都爱我!I should thanks God for gave me so many things.我应该感激上天给我的一切。When the end really came in the world,I will not feel regret!当世界末日真的来临了,我也不会感到遗憾!Beginning at this minute,I'll be happy everyday!从这一分钟开始,我会开心每一天!

阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,JUST RUNS. 他跑步不为任何理由。他说:"人要往前看,千万不要被过去拖累。我想我跑步就是这个意义”和过去告别,不停留在原处。也许这世界上太多人随拨逐流,很少人会坚持做一件事,阿甘坚持自己的坚持,于是他成了“神”。影片中还有一位主要人物是上校丹。他在越南战争中失去了双腿。他说他的命运就是战死。然而阿甘却救他,让他活了下来。失去双腿后他开始憎恨生活,生活得很颓废,责怪阿甘当初救了他。然而当他调整心态,去和阿甘一起捕鱼生活,有了收获后,开始感觉到生活的美好。感谢阿甘当初就了他。影片试图通过这个角色告诉观者生活总是美好的。乌云后有彩虹,绝境后有重生。关键是看我们给不给自己一个好心态,一个机会去改变不好的现状。影片试图向观者传达这样一个信息:或许做好我们该做的每一件事,生活就会给我们一个好的回馈。只要有一种坚持就会出现一个奇迹。

Mr. A Gan has his own perseverance, keeping on running without of any reason, JUST RUNS. He said: “Man has t look forward, and never encumbered by foretime. I thank that's the meaning of my running.” Say goodbye to foretime and don't stay in-place. Although so many people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing, Mr. A Gan does and becomes “GOD”. There is another character Captain Dan. Dan lost his legs in Vietnarm War. He said that his fate is death in war. However, Mr. A Gan saved him and let him be alive. After losing legs, Dan was decadent and disgusted with life, complaining that A

Gan shouldn't save him. When he adjusted his mind, living on fishing with A Gan, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank A Gan's help. The movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character. Rainbow is always after cloud. The key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation. The movie is also sent such a message to us: do well what we should do, and life will return us well. There will be a miracle if only there is perseverance.

『伍』 英语电影的英文观后感,最好是新片,速度PLEASE!

碟中谍4 :
Mission Impossible 4:Ghost Protocol is one of the best action movies I have ever seen recently.Although I have not seen any of the three installments Of Mission Impossible,but after watching MI 4 I am surely going to watch the three installments.
I must say,Mission Impossible 4:Ghost Protocol is worth a watch!
Story Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise)as well as the entire IMF are placed with the blame of the bombing of the Kremlin. He and three others must stop a man bent on a global nuclear war.
The direction is mind-blowing.
The background score is nice.
The action scenes are superb.
Tom Cruise is superb.Simon Pegg is funny.Jeremy Renner is good too.Paula Patton is subtle.Anil Kapoor is bad.
Mission Impossible 4 is a must watch!

『陆』 一部英语电影的读后感(英文、简短)

1. "Peter Pan Peter Pan" Du Hougan

Reading the "Peter Pan Peter Pan" This famous work, I benefited from, I know that every child will grow up in this truth.

Many children do not want to grow up and do not want to go to school, just want to play every day. Peter Pan is the hero of the book, he is a always the boys do not want to grow up. He never lived in this rural paradise like the same place, where there is such as the bell sounds as beautiful fairy, a mermaid hair, Zhang Buda children, mystery, like the Indians, ferocious pirates and will issue a "ticking "Voice of the crocodile. However, the rich and colorful life, but not a substitute for the mother's desire to Peter. Thus, an equally do not want to grow up, the girls never went to the rural based, on the children when the "mother." They never started in the various rural singular adventure. However, the final text still choose Beattie grew up. She took the children from Nashan mother has for her to fly back to open the windows in the home. And that is always reluctant to grow up the boys, Peter, even though the world can have a happy, but can not enjoy from the warmth of a family. He can only be separated by windows, secretly Zhang Wang window within the stove, a smiling face and kinship. And then quietly walked away, and fairies to disappear in the night sky.

Yes ah! Although the township never happy, it does not have the warmth of family, wonderful life. Everyone will grow up and grow into a tree shoring days, as long as our dreams have never townships, and also when they grow up will be very happy and live a more exciting.

2. "Wizard of Oz" Du Hougan

Reading the "Wizard of Oz" This novel, I understand the friendliness and mutual assistance among people should unite as one, is not afraid of all the difficulties and move forward the truth.

In the main text of more than Lucy gave a young girl aunt and uncle living in the Prairies, one day, the wind suddenly Vol dragon boat suddenly struck, she and her hut, a puppy with Gua Meng Jin Renqing surprising places. Accidental death of the hut where the evil witch in the East, more than Lucy as a noble woman was magic, and access to the evil Witch of the East Bank of shoes. She very much like to go home, north of good witches guide her to go to the distant country Feicui Cheng Aoci find a magician Aoci help. Lucy has rescued more than the way the brain to find the scarecrow, tin and find the heart to find the courage of a lion…… several in the way they help each other, overcome all difficulties, and the final realization of their own wish.

This fairy tale story of breathtaking twists and turns, praised the kindness, courage and the quality of fraternity and mutual help, ideal for the spirit of persistent struggle, is always worthy of our study.

3. "Robinson Crusoe" Du Hougan

Reading the "Robinson Crusoe" I know when we are under any circumstances, should believe and respect for their wisdom and courage and the tenacity to overcome self-to overcome the difficulties.

This book's main character from childhood who was born in a wealthy family, for their interest in sailing at all to leave their parents, uprooted from their homes, began Chuyang adventure experience. This person's life experience is strange unheard of, and changes in Wanan his life is unique. But the final text of the hero by virtue of its clever exceptional courage and wisdom to overcome all the world seems difficult to overcome the difficulties.

He's such wisdom and courage of our life in all of the things Buwan.

If we can help translate 3 to find another two best. Thank you! Will have the satisfaction of additional points

『柒』 两篇英文电影的英文读后感


I think "Ghost" make a real key, of course, a variety of montage techniques and time and space cleverly converted to video structure of a wonderful atmosphere, the use of montage right, especially the videos of all kinds of time and space switch, and the ghosts of a different time and space where it is difficult film processing is also the key part. In movies reflected a good man into heaven, the spirit of the bad guys go to hell. Perhaps this is all good people the idea of robbers and Carl's death, have been dragged into hell, which also sounded the death knell for those who do evil, to arouse people's love and kindness.


When I first saw this movie I didn't appreciate it like I do now. Because I was so young that I didn’t get the main idea when I first saw it. Just recently I saw the movie again. What an amazing and moving story. That movie teaches you so much about life and the meaning of it. That life isn't as bad as most people feel. Forrest Gump, the innocent man can impact so many lives with his innocence. The meaning of the movie to me is that everyone needs to have a better outlook on life. That we need to appreciate more of the little things and not let the big things hold us back. Although life may throw us trials and tribulations like a box of chocolates, we just have to bite into it and get through it even if we don't like it. I just love this movie. And anyone who hasn't seen it or who thinks that don't like it I seriously suggest seeing it or seeing it again. It truly is amazing...
This film was absolutely amazing. I have spent hours re-watching various scenes and noticing all the perfection with which they are acted and directed. It's not the violence or action sequences that make this movie so great (although they are well done...), but rather moments like where Mathilda knocks on Leon's door. It would be so easy to just film the door opening, but instead we see light illuminating Natalie Portman's face, symbolizing something angelic. And the moment has so much more meaning.
I know a lot of people who have seen this film because they are action fans. I'm not. But I'm glad I finally found it, because it's a wonderful film in so many other ways.

『捌』 求英语电影读后感

50 First Dates What would it feel if I can wake up everyday forgetting what happened for the last whole year? Lucy in the movie “50 First Dates” told me this feeling. Every morning when she woke up, she only rememberred the Sunday of last year which was her father’s birthday, also the date she had the car accident which made her only keep memory before Sunday, so she always felt happy living the same habit as what she did on Sunday a year ago with the kind set-up by her father and brother. After meeting Henry, she could only remember who he was on the same day. But after one night, he became a stranger to her. She couldn’t even recognize he was the one she used to date and love everyday. Henry tried his best to give her a new different meeting every day so as to win her smile and regain their “First Date”. Henry made her tapes every morning to help her remember what happened the day before and the last whole year. Lucy thus felt grateful with all she had when she woke up everyday. On the same day, she always had the same deep gratitude to face Henry with her sweet smile. What a beautiful feeling it is to always feel thanksgiving and to always appreciate each other’s effort. A touching story between a memory lost woman and a devoted man taught all of us, normal people, the essence of love. When two people can thank each other for their devotion everyday like what they did for each other on first date, love can forever be refreshed and energetic. On Lucy’s side, people with memory will ask for more than yesterday and become critical of their partners day by day, while people without memory will feel grateful for their life and the people around them everyday. In the movie, when one day Lucy decided to break up with Henry to let him rebuild his life by burning all their diaries and tapes, I cried for Henry’s broken heart. For her, it was just one day feeling. For him, it was long-term affection and connection. It was easier for her than him to give up their love. On Henry’s side, people with memory will always remember the past happiness and treasure it for the rest of their life, while people without memory will easily give up at the end of the same day. What a ruthless feeling it is to end a relationship just after one minute thought. People with fragile mind would easily ruin a long-term relationship no matter what reason they have. The torture between Lucy and Henry tells us the fatal factor to do harm to intimacy between a couple is their fragile mind of balancing emotion and reason. Thus most of couple lose their trust for each other after experiencing this weakly testing broke-up.

Taken What is the right relationship between the father and the daughter? There is no certain answer. But the love of Brain's to his daughter must be one of the best ones. His daughter, a young pretty 17-year-old girl was kidnapped ring a tour in Paris. Brain got the news and hurried to France to take his daughter. He found that the gangsters that kidnapped his daughter were connected with an old friend which made him exetreme angry. He finally found the place where was holding an auction selling young virgins and broke in successfully taking his daughter away. No matter how hard and stressful the situation was, and how dangerous things he faced, he never went back just because of the greatest love of a simple father. In the movie, we are all moved not only his actions of kindness, but also his insistance and the greatest of all- a father's love.

THE ILLUSIONIST FACTS When word of the famed Eisenheim's (Ed Norton) illusions reaches Crown Prince Leopold (Rufus Sewell), the ruler attends one of the magician's shows in order to debunk the performance. But when the prince's intended, Sophie von Teschen (Jessica Biel), assists the magician onstage, Eisenheim and Sophie recognize each other from their childhoods, and pretty soon they're totally hot for each other. As the clandestine romance continues, the prince's best cop (Paul Giamatti) is charged with exposing Eisenheim, even while the magician gains a devoted and vocal public following. Before long, Sophie turns up dead, and the logical suspect is Eisenheim himself.

"Cellular" has the setup for a solid straight-ahead thriller: A kidnap victim who does not know where she is being held phones a total stranger who must then stay connected on his cell phone to find her before she is killed. Joel Schumacher scored earlier with a similarly phone-themed Larry Cohen story, "Phone Booth." As executed by tone-deaf director David R. Ellis, however, "Cellular" becomes an unintentionally hilarious cousin to Brian de Palma's "Raising Cain" and "Snake Eyes." Ellis seems to have unwittingly spliced together two different films with mismatched tones: Kim Basinger as the kidnapee and Jason Statham as the kidnapper occupy the deadly-serious, straight-to-video thriller half, while Chris Evans as the rescuer and William H. Macy as a police officer seem to be in a "Saturday Night Live"-alum action comedy. Nowhere else is the disjointedness in tone more apparent than when Basinger and Evans's performances are placed side-by-side ring their conversations: The scenes keep cutting between an overwrought Basinger wringing out every drop of melodrama, while a blissfully inept Evans seems to be channeling a cross between Chris Kattan/Jimmy Fallon and Ben Affleck/Keanu Reeves. Meanwhile, Ellis pulls out tricks intended to generate thrills and surprises. He throws in out-of-nowhere "shocks," a la "Final Destination"; he throws in flashbacks; he throws in a gun-blazing Macy in Jerry Bruckheimer action-hero slo-mo; and yet, Ellis has no handle on staging any of them competently. Case in point: "Cellular" is the proud owner of one of the most ineptly scored chase sequences ever, as if Ellis simply heard a snippet of the song's lyrics ("...where you gonna run to?") literally and paid no attention to the inappropriateness of the accompanying music (which just bop, bop, bops along). (The song is even reprised ring the closing credits, which itself is misbegotten in conception.) And yet, for all of its failures as art, "Cellular" is always entertaining for those very same faults

『玖』 英语电影观后感





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