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发布时间:2022-03-14 01:57:04

⑴ 关于电影的一些英文

停权( 2008年) (生产)
跟狗( 2008 ) (生产前)
伊戈尔( 2008 ) (后期制作) (语音) ....伊戈尔
战争公司( 2007 ) (后期制作) ....品牌hauser
summerhood ( 2007 ) (后期制作) (露乳) ....叙述者
火星儿童( 2007年) (已完成)

in proction pre-proction post-proction分别是

生产前期制作 后期制作

⑵ 英语问题(关于电影)

Live Version

⑶ 关于电影的英语作文


⑷ 关于电影的英文单词

1. ... Presents 出品
2. ... Proction, A Proction of... 摄制
3. A... Film 制片人
4. Director, Directed by, A Film by 导演
5. Screenplay by 编剧
6. Based on a Story by 原著
7. Proced by 制片
8. Executive Procer 执行制片
9. Proction Manager 制片主任
10. Director of Photography 摄影
11. Music by 音乐
12. Sound Effect 音响效果
13. Sound Mixer 声音合成
14. 1st Assistant Director 首席助理导演
15. Casting by 选派演员
16. Cast of Characters 演员表
17. Starring 主演
18. Costumer Designer 服装设计
19. Art Director 美术
20. Editor 剪辑
21. Set Designer 布景设计
22. Property Master 道具
23. Gaffer 灯光
24. Key Grip 首席场务
25. Dolly Grip 轮架场务
26. Best Boy 场务助理
27. Make Up 化妆
28. Hairdresser 发型
29. Stunt Coordinator 特技协调
30. Visual Effects 视觉效果
31. Title 字幕
32. Set Decorator 布景
33. Script Supervisor 剧本指导
1. Costume Design 服装设计
2. Actor in a Supporting Role 男配角
3. Make up 化妆
4. Art Direction 艺术指导
5. Live Action Short Film 纪实短片
Animated Short Film 动画短片
6. Sound Effects Editing 音响效果剪辑
7. Sound 音响
8. Actress in a Supporting Role 女配角
9. Cinematography 摄影
10. Film Editing 剪辑
11. Visual Effects 视觉效果
12. Documentary Short Subject 记录短片
Documentary Feature 记录长片
13. Foreign Language Film 外语片
14. Lifetime Achievement 终身成就
15. Original Musical or Comedy Score 音乐(喜剧)
Original Dramatic Score 音乐(戏剧)
16. Original Screenplay 原著剧本
Screenplay Adaptation 剧本改编
17. Original Song 歌曲
18. Director 导演
19. Actress in a leading Role 最佳女主角
20. Actor in a leading Role 最佳男主角
21. Picture 影片

⑸ 关于英语电影

那我劝你看 friends吧 全套十季 每集大概22分钟左右 这几乎是全国学英语推荐的 我现在刚考完雅思,可是在大一考4,6级的时候,英文老师就几乎每节课下课前10分钟都放这个,这个事非常非常好的日常口语,贴近生活,而且非常幽默 很多大学老师都推荐这个 甚至曾经英语考试出题都以这里边的对话为题目 所以,这10季看完会有提高的噢 不过尽量别看字幕

⑹ 关于英文的电影


推荐几部对学习英语比较好的电影和剧集:西雅图不眠夜,律政俏佳人,史瑞克,Friends, 成长的烦恼,等等。

Good luck with your English study!

⑺ 关于...的电影 用英语怎么说

About... movie

⑻ 关于英语电影的


⑼ 求一篇关于电影的英语书面表达

The planes flying away

Hire: Dawn, Ekin Cheng, Francis Ng, Karena Lam, Xu Jinglei

Li Wenjian Force is the elite of the elite, together with his girlfriend Brendag term protection of the G4 group of leading members of special forces. International Diamond day before the opening of the exhibition, from health to protect the unique luxury Juzuan the Ambassador of South Africa, and laid a dragnet. But when Jian and Li Yan is a friend of the dialogue is along the Lebanon after the health of a sudden strange to the presidential suite to open the door to let friends into the room. When the health conscious, was found by the squad he has surrounded Bao drilling missing, the South African ambassador on the verge of death, but had no opportunity to recall their own course of the incident. Health for the sake of innocence, escaped from detention, the police immediately launched pursuit operations. Force is used in the Hypnotic experts, integrity, extensive knowledge stroke five years ago, Huang and his comrades work together to pursue the robbers superintendent Europe and the sea, the sea and thus to flee overseas, and to vow revenge. Later, his health has been found that day is hypnosis and found some footprints are left behind, as if there are too ashamed to tell health difficulties, but also hope that health will help him in his efforts to save him from danger. Two of the people on both sides by the enemy on this Monijiao into a market on the decisive battle of life and death in the outbreak of the planes under the joint ......

⑽ 关于电影的英语作文(不少于60个单词)

The Secret Life of Bees蜜蜂的秘密生活
In Sue Monk Kidd(苏·蒙克·基德)'s The Secret Life of Bees, 14-year-old Lily Owen, neglected by her father and isolated on their Georgia peach farm, spends hours imagining a blissful infancy when she was loved and nurtured by her mother, Deborah, whom she barely remembers. These consoling fantasies are her heart's answer to the family story that as a child, in unclear circumstances, Lily accidentally shot and killed her mother. All Lily has left of Deborah is a strange image of a Black Madonna, with the words "Tiburon, South Carolina" scrawled on the back. The search for a mother, and the need to mother oneself, are crucial elements in this well-written coming-of-age story set in the early 1960s against a background of racial violence and unrest. When Lily's beloved nanny, Rosaleen, manages to insult a group of angry white men on her way to register to vote and has to skip town, Lily takes the opportunity to go with her, fleeing to the only place she can think of--Tiburon, South Carolina--determined to find out more about her dead mother. Although the plot threads are too neatly trimmed, The Secret Life of Bees is a carefully crafted novel with an inspired depiction of character. The legend of the Black Madonna and the brave, kind, peculiar women who perpetuate Lily's story dominate the second half of the book, placing Kidd's debut novel squarely in the honored tradition of the Southern Gothic.




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