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发布时间:2022-03-31 13:46:47

⑴ 谁看过由梁家辉主演的“刮痧”,我现急对此部片子的观后感,英文的。


⑵ 电影刮痧英文观后感


The difference between Chinese Culture and Western Culture

⑶ 关于电影《刮痧》的影评,这个用英文怎么翻译,英文中有书名号么

又名: Gua Sha Treatment / Gua Sha












刮痧,就是利用刮痧器具,刮试经络穴位,通过良性刺激,充分发挥营卫之气的作用,使经络穴位处充血,改善局部微循环,起到祛除邪气,疏通经络,舒筋理气,驱风散寒,清热除湿,活血化瘀,消肿止痛,以增强机体自身潜在的抗病能力和免疫机能,从而达到扶正祛邪,防病治病的作用。 文化差异在影片中算是一种瘀病,需要刮痧才能一个经脉的两端连在一起,活血化瘀的作用,亦可以理解成祖一辈的文化受到阻隔,需要刮痧刮去隔阂才能有一个文化的传承继续下去。


⑷ 电影《刮痧》观后感——英文版

Gua Sha is a movie about the differences between American and Chinese culture. Xu datong is a video games designer in St. Louis. When his father visits from China, he performs Gua Sha (a Chinese traditional treatment) on his grandson, which leaves bright red marks on the skin and causes a lawsuit of child abuse. In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son. I think this scene is shocking and thought-provoking to most of the Chinese audiences. But the most impressing scene to me is the ending. Datong wants to see his son in Christmas eve, he has to climb a pipe to the ninth floor which his son lives. I think the pipe is not only a pipe, but also a gap, a deep gap between American and 5000-year Chinese culture. He wants to climb over the gap and he will never succeed, perhaps no Chinese people really could succeed.

⑸ 求 电影 刮痧 的英文观后感 20分

初看名字,以为是伦理片,刮痧,中国一门医学上传统的手艺,在两千多年的历史长河里,一直稳稳健健地在中国大地上繁衍生息,然而有一天,它出现在自由民主的美国社会中,便被人误解,以至于上演了一场家庭的悲欢离合,可喜的是梁家辉将父亲角色演绎的动人心弦,蒋雯丽也以一贯的荧幕形象几乎是本色出演,很准确的把握了作为妻子的恨、爱、心碎与心疼,只是在母亲的角色上稍稍淡化了些。当不得不以分居为条件来换回孩子时,妻子毅然“恶狠狠”地转身“I agree!”当事情逼迫地不得不真的要丈夫离开时,妻子心疼地抱着丈夫不忍心丈夫一个人生活。从丈夫在法庭上被敌人激怒地掉进了别人的圈套开始,妻子的气愤到后来的疯狂最后的心灰,像是个妻子对丈夫地无奈~因为她知道,丈夫的任何表现都会让孩子离自己越来越远。

At first sight name, thought it was ethical film, Gua Sha, Chinese traditional medicine a craft, in the long river of 2000 years of history, has remained robust health in China's vast territory to survive, but one day, it appears in a free and democratic American society, they have been misunderstood, so staged a family joys and sorrows, good news is that Tony Leung will perform the role of the father moving chord, Jiang Wenli also consistent screen image of the character is almost starred in, it is an accurate grasp of as his wife's hate, love, heart-broken and distressed, but the roles of mother to play down a little a bit. When forced to separation as the conditions in exchange for a child, his wife resolutely, "fiercely" to turn "I agree!" When things forced to have to really want to leave her husband, the wife painfully holding her husband could not bear her husband a life . From her husband in court infuriated the enemy fall into the trap of others start to his wife's anger was crazy the last disheartened, like a wife to her husband in frustration ~ because she knew her husband would let children of any performance from their own farther and farther.
Tony Leung Ka Fai is on the inside can be cut off from their return to their side as long as the child's father, but played down the role of her husband, with things progressing with the film step by step to a climax, the court was 'the enemy' forced control do not live mood, for others accused him of being an irresponsible father angry, for others the desecration of China's traditional culture indignation! Matter to the negative direction, he blame his friends, hate the United States, is not compatible! Living in the U.S. eight years, has encountered many difficulties and hardships, the number of difficult and setbacks he enred, and upheld, but this time he could no longer compromise, he could stand up and resist! Stand up and fight! Because they take away is that their children, their own flesh and blood! So he's irrational behavior we are all understandable.
Film has a few bright spots, one of which is the father carrying a child on the road and the police chase, chasing so much as it is for our children, the children do not understand anything, he felt fun, so the father can not care about anything, forgetting all the way to meet the children's joy! Only a car will eventually be stopped, their families have to face the nightmare still exist. Separated spouses, the child has finally returned home, but his father left, Father and Son can not meet, the wife went to see the decadent husband, along with drinking alcohol, so alcohol tingling throat anesthesia body. They want to cry want to resist, but can not, and only if all of the grievances of all the anger inside the pharynx to the stomach.
Originally his father and grandfather would like to take the kids went back to China together, but the grandfather firmly said: can not be done! Life is this way, anything can happen, you hide are not immune to the.
Anything can happen, laying bare the untold stories behind this event! Can not escape can not hide, we are the love of his family, acceptance of all the misfortunes of our courage.
Because of love, the father dressed as Santa Claus, from the sewer climbed back to his own home. Fortunately, the story has a happy ending. He did not disappoint and regret.
The film is in the context of Western cultural differences, in addition to the performance of his son can not be split between husband and wife's love, he also seen the Chinese people's moral integrity, but also a success.

⑹ 英语高手请进,帮我翻译《刮痧》》观后感

To see <<the scrapping >>, I was deeply touched. Parents celebrates mother-child love is selfless, eternal, great. Ordinary word, modest enough of an action, involve parents endless love! I is now twenty years old, should not act in pettish to their parents, and shall be as they love me so love them. To a lifetime all obeying your parents!

⑺ 重金悬赏 写一篇关于电影刮痧观后对于中美文化的融合 英文作文

Someone at home love sports programmes, NBA is certain to see. The time is long, I ignorant old piece then asked me, yao? This man Lao zhang often ChouJian the Chinese new rich slightly awkward on the pitch sweat profusely. Also don't understand sports I wanted to think and replied, yao is a new generation of Chinese representative right, IQ somehow, eq must not low. This sentence from he interviewed (native American journalists are many segments. He seems to have composed and intelligent, not Xie play extinged is friendly, facing the paparazzi are tricky questions, and he quickly avoid mines, humor and vicious opponent cast far away, summing up the public yao law.it as americans before the media reporter, impress the audience to impress and not fall identity strategies. Perhaps is long handle it experience, and agent training, yao not only English proficiency, ways of thinking, also the 1800s localization. Globalisation is eroded each corner, including the twentieth century pride wealthy American. Yao had to than a generation immigrant lucky. The Numbers of the China grow up and immersed the self-conscious, they need to exert too much traditional value bags, also need not accept too many westerners looked surprised eyes baptism, no taste in foreign land to blend in pain and metamorphosis taste. Movie "gua sha" in my opinion, densely covered the pain. Hero xu datong, new immigrants to America for eight years, carries the American dream drudgery, as an electronic game program designers of the final success, and get the boss (symbolizing the mainstream American culture class) recognition and friendship. The beginning of the movie is in the instry in datong celebration on the typical American muzzle published feat. From his words, tone, can see him to America is grateful for their love, in America's future with confidence. In the United States, as long as you work hard, will certainly to the fore. Datong thinks he is still a part of this country, we no longer am. He and his wife JianNing, son Dennis at home insists English, even a little do not understand the English father present is not exceptional also, in order to let the next generation smoothly into private schools, soon will become American social elite. They connect objects and ordinary speech as American middle-class, courteous, said the same voice, open the same joke. However test but to follow.Datong father connect to dwell with us, Dennis however because of back highlights grandpa scrapping leave marked stasis red. These in the United States people seem horrifying "wounds", for the Chinese people just household self therapy. Xu datong unfortunately back abuse charges, not the son with children meet. But he cannot prove to the court of scrapping medical means is legal, because America time and no interest to get to know the other side of the planet cultural roots, it is only by my own judgement. In to authorities to the child back the indivisible vignette of contradiction as string of firecrackers rapid explosion, leaving smoke and confetti, is those so-called cultural differences, and American self-centered, hard-line arrogance. They drove datong admit, 1.outwardly or Chinese. For example, Dennis in the game played boss children awake, datong son asked apology blocked, ecation, also because of children and their families in the boss before stepping down, then cannot beat son. He thinks this is for the boss face, is respect for friends, is godchild square. Grandpa saw also very agrees: "face to face" teach wife behind godchild "dozen is close, scold is love, not dozen don't scold BuChengCai". While americans (including grew up in America Dennis) firmly insists: play the father of the child is the devil, for respect others will beat and scold the father of the child is unreasonable. In addition, as technical elite of datong, perhaps do not have too much chance to fully contact with real society that in later in out of disadvantages. The indivisible He is not familiar with the legal proceres (namely the rules of the game), you can not provide strong evidence, not please family law professional lawyer and insist to please a right law lawyer and he trusted friends to agency children cases, for himself. The opposing lawyer at nicking a word, accusing datong's violent video games - datong design hero, and steal xiantao, destroyed a Monkey King, according to western Dan furnace values which ignores responsibilities, to infringe the private property, is a typical hooligan ACTS. This pure scrath the lawyer in order to win their lawsuits, deliberately to "monkey" quotes, malicious misreading, the resistance of the hero says knave. Datong know each other has designed trap to irritate him, indeed as expected lose reason, also miss opportunity and fall away... Although eight spring and autumn can let a person to learn much, though the conclusion of the movie is on cloud open, Ming chuan qi, foreign overhauling great perfection lineage of the family has been otherness questioning, identity also shock, how do I feel not the taste.

⑻ 求一篇电影《刮痧》的英文观后感









而在租住的小屋,分居的简宁和大同醉酒,骂自己是MOTHERFUCKER 这场戏,更是赤裸裸地揭露了他们内心的痛苦,而这种痛苦,仅仅是因为刮痧这一在中国极为普遍的中医疗法,在美国,却导致了一个家庭的分崩离析。

我们不难感受到融于片中的浓浓亲情,然而,大同的错误却是虐待儿子。这个罪名简直匪夷所思,它反映出美国不以事实说话的法律空挡。而那控方雇佣的美国律师在法庭上这样描述《西游记》中的孙悟空:“别人种了九千年的桃子,他不跟主人打一声招呼摘来便吃,当人家制止时,他不但不听劝阻,而且还大打出手毁了人家的桃园。别人辛辛苦苦炼好的丹丸,他拿来就吃,还把主人打得头破血流,临走还毁了人家的制作车间——象这样一个野蛮顽劣的猴子,竟然被许大同在电子游戏中描绘成英雄 ......”,用以证明移民美国的许大同有暴力倾向。他的“敬业”使人们质疑:他的目的究竟是保护孩子,还是拆散别人家庭。






⑼ 求一篇400字左右的电影《刮痧》英文观后感,体现中西方文化差异,语法不用太准确,高中生水平即可





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