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发布时间:2022-04-02 03:42:42

① 电影英文怎么说

电影英文:Movie(美式) 或 Film(英式)。

















② 美国电影史英文版

英译:For a long time, the United States only to the film as a means of entertainment to Hollywood as a story and fantasy proction factories, so first of all note that the movie business value. However, after 70 years, the American film has been great development in academic research. In 1967, both in Washington and Los Angeles have established the American Film Institute (AFI). Film Archive, throughout the United States, including important ones are the New York Museum of Modern Art, Rochester's Eastman Film Archive, the Library of Congress, Washington, Berkeley Pacific Film Archive. 8 large film company has disintegrated or converting 60 years after the
A large number of film and archives donated to the museum and the University Film Studies Center, the study of national film traditions, protect their heritage plays a significant role in the film.

By 1900, Hollywood has a post office, a newspaper, a hotel and two markets, its residents number 500. 100,000 population in Los Angeles in the city, 11 kilometers east. In Hollywood and Los Angeles have only a single-track tram. 1902 Hollywood hotel, now known as the first part of the opening. In 1903, here upgraded to the city's 177 voting residents of the right to vote unanimously endorsed by the "Hollywood," named after whom. That year under the two commands are: In addition to pharmacies in other stores outside the prohibition, and no amount of driving in the streets more than 200 cattle. 1904
A new so-called Hollywood Avenue streetcar opened, so that between the Hollywood and Los Angeles round-trip time significantly shortened. In 1910, Hollywood residents voted to join the Los Angeles. The reason is so that they can be in Los Angeles drinking water and access to adequate drainage facilities.
In 1907, director Francis Burgess led his crew arrived in Los Angeles, filming "Count of Monte Cristo." They found that, where beautiful natural scenery, plenty of light and suitable climate is the natural place for filming. The early 1910s, director David Griffith Biograph company was sent to the West Coast to make a film, he took Lillian Gish, Mary-bi g-fu and other actors came to Los Angeles. They were then looking for a new site, so proceed north, came a warm small town, and that is Hollywood. Biograph company found here in good condition
So back to New York before they filmed several movies. Graally many people in the instry know that invaluable piece of land, to the increasing number of Hollywood movie crew, the U.S. film instry moved to Hollywood's big movement started, Hollywood movies have to be forward.
October 1911, a group from New Jersey to film-makers on the ground that under the leadership of the photographer came to a small Inn called Bu Lang, they will rent the inn converted into a studio look. In this way, they created Hollywood's first film studio - Ernest Pictures.
Since then, many film companies settled in Hollywood, the famous film companies: MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer, called MGM), Paramount Pictures (Paramount Pictures, Inc.), Twentieth Century Fox (20th Century Fox), Warner Bros. (Warner Brothers), RKO (Radio Keith Orpheum, referred to as RKO), Universal (Universal), United Artists Corporation (United Artists), Columbia Pictures (Columbia Pictures).


从那以后,许多电影公司在好莱坞落户,著名的电影公司有:米高梅电影公司(Metro Goldwyn Mayer,简称MGM)、派拉蒙影业公司(Paramount Pictures, Inc.)、二十世纪福克斯公司(20th Century Fox)、华纳兄弟公司(Warner Brothers)、雷电华公司(Radio Keith Orpheum,简称RKO)、环球公司(Universal)、联美公司(United Artists)、哥伦比亚影业公司(Columbia Pictures)。


最近有个电影 ,the war horse ,战马,有点童话但寓意深刻。
You can't harness him. He's got to be collared. You're scaring him, Dad! You're scaring him.你不能给他套马具 他必须得套上 你吓坏他了 你吓坏他了He can't take a plow! He's got to plow! He won't be able to do it! He's too young. He's not even been backed yet!他没法犁地 他必须犁 他没这个能力啊 他太年轻了 他还没有被骑过Ted! It's all right, boy. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. I knew this would happen as soon as I laid eyes on him.泰德!没事的 没事的 没事的 我第一眼看到他 就知道会发生这种事Ted, no. Ted, no. He's worth nothing to me. If he won't take the collar, he's not worth a damn thing!泰德 不要!泰德,不要!他对我来说一点用都没有 他不带上颈圈 一分钱都不值Dad? Move aside. Dad, stop! 爸爸 滚开点 爸爸 住手You shoot that horse, we have nothing. No!你杀了他 我们就一无所有了 不要You were right what you said, Dad. He'll do it. You told Lyons he'll plow that field, and he will. You'll see. He'll show you.你说的对 爸爸“他会犁地的” 你告诉莱昂斯他会犁地 他就会的 你会看到的 他会让你看到的We'll show you. We'll get it done. Let go. Let go. Go back to the house.我们会让你看到的 我们会做到的 放下枪 放下枪 把枪放回家里去Some days are best forgotten. Today ain't one of them. Come on.有些日子最好忘记 今天却不能忘记 来吧How are you today, Joey? I don't know much about life, boy, but I do know that there are big days and there are small days.你今天好吗 乔伊 我不太懂得生活 孩子 但是我知道有重要日子 有平常日子Most days are small days, and, well, they don't matter much to anyone. But this... Well, this is a big one. This is our big day.大部分时候是平常日子 人们只是平平常常地过 但今天 今天是重要日子 今天是我们的大日子It's cold out there, so I'm going to take this off. If it's tough for you, it should be tough for me, too.外面很冷 我要脱掉外套 既然对你来说痛苦 我也要同甘共苦Now, I'm going to teach you how to plow. And you're going to learn. Is that understood?现在 我教你怎么犁地 你好好学 懂了吗?That we can be together, which is how I believe things are meant to be. Steady, boy. Here we go. Here we go. Come on.这样我们才能在一起 我相信我们在一起是天意 稳着点 孩子 我们开始咯Now, boy. Easy. Easy. Look at me, Joey. See? See? You just got to put your nose through. That's it. See, you've got it. You've got it. Good boy. There.放松 放松 看着我 只要穿过你的鼻子就好了 就这样 看 你做到了 你做到了 好孩子 好了参考资料:战马网络

④ 介绍一些比较新出的英文或者美国电影

wizards of waverly place 少年魔法师 selena的
jonas 乔纳斯 jonas brothers演的
sonny with a chance 桑尼明星梦 demi lovato的
the suite life of zack and cody和the suite life on deck 一对双胞胎演的,挺搞笑的
wizards on deck with Hannah Montana 三部剧和在一起了
Lizzie McGuire 新成长的烦恼 Hilary小时候演的

high school musical 高校音乐剧 1.2.3部都不错,zack,venessa,ashley
picture this 设想一下 ashley的
Hannah Montana the movie 看名字就知道了~miley的
camp rock 摇滚校园 demi和jonas的,快有第二部了
hatching pete 校园吉祥物,男主角不是很记得住了。。里面有Hannah里面的oliver呵呵。。
minuteman 一分钟人 校园吉祥物的男主角,貌似是叫jason。。
a Cinderella story 灰姑娘的玻璃手机 Hilary的
another Cinderella story 灰姑娘之舞动奇迹 selena的
Princess protection program 公主保护计划 selena和demi的
raise your voice 劲歌飞扬 Hilary的
jump in 跃动青春 高校里面的那个男二号的,那个黑人
17 again 重返十七岁 zack的
hairspray 发胶 也是zack的
keith 爱上凯斯 jesse McCartney的~
cow belles 奶牛美女 那对女孩aj & aly演的
my sweet 16 我甜蜜的十六岁 她们俩之一演的,名字我老是混。。
bandslam 摇滚斗阵 快出了,venessa的

⑤ 美国电影用英语怎么说

美国人喜欢用Movie称呼电影 英国人喜欢用film称呼电影
所以英国人一般用American Film称呼美国电影,美国人一般用British Movie称呼英国电影

⑥ 英文电影

地区:美国 年份:2010 类别:电影 / 动作
2. 失败者
地区:美国 年份:2010 类别:电影 / 动作 / 冒险 / 剧情 / 悬念 /
地区:美国 年份:2010 类别:电影 / 动作 / 冒险
地区:美国 年份:2010 类别:电影 / 动作 / 剧情
地区:美国 年份:2010 类别:电影 / 动作 / 喜剧 / 剧情

地区:美国 年份:2009 类型:电影 / 动作 / 幻想 / 科幻
2. 时间旅行者的妻子
地区:美国 年份:2009 类型:电影 / 剧情 / 爱情 / 科幻
3. 人类终结
地区:美国 年份:2009 类型:电影 / 科幻
地区:美国 年份:2009 类型:喜剧/幻想/冒险 / 科幻
5. 机器人侵犯地球
地区:美国 年份:2008 类型:电影 / 动作 / 科幻


1.阳光小美女 有点早了 喜剧 立志 教育 很不错
2.安妮日记 挺有教育意义的 耶有点老了
3.公主日记 两部 耶挺立志的
4.肖申克的救赎 剧情 加 立志 实在太好 了


哈哈,希望LZ喜欢哦,好好学习英语去吧,看电影学英语 绝对是美事``

⑦ 美国电影用英文怎么说

应该为American film\movie

1. 美洲
2. 美国
3. [pl.]南北美洲

⑧ 有哪些好看的美国的全英文电影


⑨ 美国电影用英语怎么说

American movie American films

⑩ 几部好看的美国电影、是英文的




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