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发布时间:2023-05-14 04:15:37

① 穿靴子的猫电影英文内容摘要,要有中文翻译,没有中文也行,但内容要和电影里的片段一样,跪求啊

Sometime before Puss (Antonio Banderas) meets Shrek and Donkey in Shrek 2, he arrives at a town while escaping a bounty hunter. There he learns that the outlaw couple Jack (Billy Bob Thornton) and Jill (Amy Sedaris) have the magic beans he's been looking for most of his life, beans that can lead him to a giant's castle holding valuable golden goose eggs. When Puss tries to steal them from the outlaws' room, a masked cat (Salma Hayek) interrupts. Both fail and escape, and Puss follows the cat back to Cat Cantina, a club, where they have a dance-off and a sword fight, ending when Puss hits the masked cat in the head with a guitar. He learns that the masked cat is Kitty Softpaws, and is shocked to learn she is a girl. She is allied with Humpty Alexander Dumpty (Zach Galifianakis), a talking egg and Puss' long-estranged childhood friend from the orphanage where he was raised. Puss tells Kitty of his feelings of betrayal for a youthful misadventure when Humpty tricked Puss into helping commit a crime. It turned out that Kitty was sleeping through the story. Humpty attempts to convince Puss to join them in finding the beans and retrieving the golden eggs, which he does.

The trio steals the beans from Jack and Jill and elude the angry outlaws in a canyon chase. As Humpty leads his compatriots to the spot where they must plant the beans, Puss and Kitty's relationship begins to grow from rivalry into friendship. The trio ride the fast-growing beanstalk into the clouds where, Humpty explains, they'll find castle of the late giant. Now, he continues, a fearsome monster called the Terror guards the Golden Goose. When they realize the golden eggs are too heavy to carry, they steal the Goose which is just a gosling and escape the castle and the Terror. While celebrating their victory, the group is ambushed by Jack and Jill, who knock Puss unconscious.

When Puss wakes up, he tracks Jack and Jill back to his old hometown, where he learns that the entire heist was a plot by Humpty to lure him home to be captured, as revenge for abandoning him to the authorities when Humpty's youthful heist went bad. Jack, Jill, and even Kitty were involved in the con. After pleas from his adoptive mother, the head of the orphanage, Puss turns himself in to the guards while Humpty donates many golden eggs to the town and becomes a hero.

While in prison, Puss meets the original Jack from the "Jack and the Beanstalk" (a.k.a. Andy Beanstalk) story who warns him that the Terror is in fact the Golden Goose's mother, and it will stop at nothing to get its child back. A repentant Kitty helps Puss break out of prison and tells him that she loves him more than gold. Puss convinces Humpty to help him fight off the Terror, saying he knows Humpty is a good person at heart, and he will be forgiven if he helps save the town. The Terror arrives, revealing itself to be a giant goose. Using the Golden Goose as t, Puss and Humpty lure the Terror out of the town, but Humpty and the Goose are knocked off a bridge with Puss holding on to them. Humpty knows Puss cannot hold both of them, and he lets go, sacrificing himself to save the Goose and the town. Humpty's shell cracks open to reveal that he was a golden egg on the inside. The Terror then takes the Goose and Humpty away back to the giant's castle.

Puss is forced to flee because he is still an outlaw, but his efforts to save the town make him a hero among the townspeople. Puss and Kitty escape the guards once more, and Kitty says she will see him again soon, showing that she has taken his boots. In the epilogue, Jack and Jill are recovering from their injuries after being crushed by the Terror, Humpty is shown once again in his regular egg form, wearing a golden egg suit, as he rides the Terror into the clouds, and Puss and Kitty head back to dance at Kitty's hideout, the Glitter Box, where they finally kiss.


② 《鸡蛋的胜利》(The Triumph of Egg and Other Stories)

《鸡蛋的胜利》》(The Triumph of Egg and Other Stories) 是美国小说家舍伍德。安德森(Sherwood Anderson)于1921年创作的著名短篇小说。通过一个男孩“我”的第一人称视角,在回困键忆和联想中讲述自己和父母的生活事汪改巧件。故事情节展开于我父亲养鸡发家失败的经历。事件场景从歼核乡村到城镇的转换强化了父亲追寻成功而依然无法逃脱失败的历程。该短文文体简洁朴实,口语化,是安德森的典型风格。

③ 为什么电影《霍比特人1:意外之旅》里英语鸡蛋egg的复数形式是eggses



④ 丑小鸭讲的是一个什么故事


On the grass next to a pond,the mother ck‘s eggs were hatching.The cklings began to hatch and came out one by one. Only one big egg had not moved or made a sound.


“Is this big egg also a ck?”Everyone asked the mother ck,but she did not know.


The big eggshell cracked,from inside out came a big and ugly ckling. Everyone called him Ugly Duckling.


When the Ugly Duck-ling went to the pond to swim,the frog said:“Ribbit!Ribbit!I do not like you,go away!"


The Ugly Duckling had to leave the pond andwalked towards the forest ...


In the forest,the Ugly Duckling met a dog. “Woof!Woof!I do not like you,go away!” said the dog.


On the hillside,the Ugly Duckling met a pig. The pig said:“Oink!Oink!I do not like you,go away!”


The Ugly Duckling cried sadly. A little girl came over and said:“Please come to my house!”


Winter came,and it snowed heavily outside. The Ugly Duckling lived in the little girl’s warm wooden house.


Spring came, the Ugly Duckling grew up-he turned into a white swan!The white swan flapped his wings and the little girl was so happy.


Who would have thought that the Ugly Duckling turned out to be a beautiful white swan!





⑤ 求一部电影,关于屠杀的

导演: Alejandro Brugués
编剧: Alejandro Brugués
主演: 安德丽·杜洛 / 约格·莫利纳 / Luis Alberto García / Andros Perugorría / Jazz Vilá / Eliecer Ramírez / Antonio Dechent / Blanca Rosa Blanco
类型: 喜剧 / 恐怖
制片国家/地区斗宽基: 西班牙 / 古巴
语言: 西班牙语
上映日期: 2011-09-10(多伦多电巧旁影节) / 2012-01-13(西班牙)
片长: 92分钟
又名: 死不了的阿璜(台空谨) / Juan of the Dead

⑥ 杀鹅取金蛋的英文故事

kill the goose that lays the golden eggs


A farmer accidentally found a goose that would give birth to a golden egg, and soon became a rich man. But wealth makes him become more greedy, more impatient, a golden egg a day has been unable to satisfy his greed. So the farmer whimsically killed goose, goose stomach in an attempt to withdraw all the golden eggs. Who knows to open a look, there is no gold in the belly of the goose, the goose is dead, no longer have a golden egg.

⑦ 电影天使之卵完整版百度网盘下载地址

链接: https://pan..com/s/1Rp33K2GlTjDq3D0x6YhhXA

提取码: grix
《天使之卵 天使のたまご》
导演: 押井守
编剧: 押井守、天野喜孝
主演: 根津甚八、段局键兵藤真子、野田圭一
类型: 科幻、动画、悬疑
制片国家/地区: 日本
语言: 日语
上映日期: 1985-12-22(日本)
片长: 71分钟
又名: Angel's Egg、Tenshi no tamago
影片架构在一个充满阴影和灰暗色彩的超现实主义世界中,剧情的主角是两个没有提及名字的少年(根津甚八 配音)与少女(兵藤真子 配音)。少女随身带着一颗神秘的蛋,她花许多的时间在某个歌德式的死城里搜集各式瓶子与手工艺品。身上背着一把十字型武器的少年在某天也随着一种神秘的握巧机械来到这个城镇。同时,巨大腔棘鱼的身影在城镇上方出现,城市里的人也成群的活过来开始用长枪猎捕这些鱼群。在少女如巨穴般的瓶子中,就像个庇护所腊租一般,里面收藏着蒐藏品。少年等少女入睡后将那颗神秘的蛋打破。少女表现得很生气并紧跟着已经离开的少年。最后少女沉入了溪谷中死去,她口中吐出来的气泡最后都化作了一颗颗的蛋。



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