导航:首页 > 人物类型 > 美国电影拯救是什么意思


发布时间:2023-01-16 02:42:01

⑴ “拯救”是部电视剧还是电影内容讲的主要是什么

是部电视剧 故事围绕着能拯救地球的精神能量核展开。在3005年,地球最高联盟科学院首席科学官辛教授组织六名非凡少年组成的绝对拯救战队穿过时间隧道,返回21世纪寻找“精神能量核”以拯救地球。而与此同时地球最高联盟总参谋长哈里斯将军派出4名专业军人飞往21世纪夺取“精神能量核”,想实现统治全人类的野心。众人在飞行途中散落在中国大地上,巧遇21世纪的中国小女孩“一万一”,一个能懂动物语言的孩子。“绝对拯救战队”在一万一和她的动物朋友的帮助下历经磨难,走遍全球,惩治了滥捕滥杀者,污染环境者和核战争制造者等,最终找到“精神能量核”使地球万物复苏,重现绿色生机。

⑵ 介绍一下电影《拯救大兵瑞恩》。

拯救大兵瑞恩《拯救大兵瑞恩》(Saving Private Ryan)是美国经典战争电影之一,描述诺曼底登陆后,瑞恩家4名于前线参战的儿子中,除了隶属101空降师二等兵的小儿子詹姆斯·瑞恩仍下落不明外,其他3个儿子皆已于两周内陆续战死。美国陆军参谋长马歇尔上将得知此事后出于人道考量,特令前线组织一支8人小队,只为在人海茫茫、枪林弹雨中找出生死未卜的二等兵詹姆斯·瑞恩,并将其平安送回后方。该片最为人津津乐道的是开头的诺曼底登陆抢滩场面,相当程度重现了当年的残酷与惨烈。 演员
汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks .....Captain John H. Miller
汤姆·塞兹摩尔 Tom Sizemore .....Sergeant Mike Horvath
马特·达蒙 Matt Damon .....Private James Francis Ryan
爱德华·伯恩斯 Edward Burns .....Pvt. Richard Reiben
亚当·戈德堡 Adam Goldberg .....Pvt. Stanley Mellish
范·迪塞尔 Vin Diesel .....Private Adrian Caparzo
巴里·佩珀 Barry Pepper .....Pvt. Daniel Jackson
吉奥瓦尼·瑞比西 Giovanni Ribisi .....T-4 Medic Irwin Wade
杰瑞米·戴维斯 Jeremy Davies .....Cpl. Timothy P. Upham
保罗·吉亚玛提 Paul Giamatti .....Sergeant Hill
克里·约翰逊 Corey Johnson .....Radioman
约翰·沙拉恩 John Sharian .....Corporal
哈里逊·杨 Harrison Young .....Ryan as Old Man
特德·丹森 Ted Danson .....Captain Fred Hamill 所获奖项 第71届奥斯卡最佳导演、最佳摄影、最佳录音、最佳剪辑、最佳音效。

⑶ 电影频道曾经放过个美国电影,叫什么拯救的,好象是4个字的,将一个保镖救个女孩的,谁知道是什么电影啊,


⑷ 求美国电影拯救生命的英语介绍

The story opens with Jake Taylor (Randy Wayne) attending the funeral of his ex-best friend Roger (Robert Bailey Jr.). After Roger's mom comes and asks Jake if Roger had said anything to him, she walks away, and Jake remembers that this all started ring their freshmen year of high school. After Jake had made the winning basket in a basketball game, a freshman cheerleader named Amy invited him to a party that Roger was not let into. In the years later Jake joined a new group of friends, Amy became his girlfriend, and he became star of the basketball team. Jake grew further away from Roger, who became more of a loner. Three years later as a high school senior, Roger came in with a gun and began to shoot. Jake, knowing what Roger was going to do, tries to stop him, but Roger tells him that it was too late, and Jake watches in great horror as Roger shot himself. Roger died from his injuries and Jake wondered if he could have saved him by being a better friend.
After the final basketball game of his senior year, Jake meets Chris, the pastor from Roger's funeral, and a youth pastor. Jake goes to a party that is disrupted by the police and, being slow to orient himself, is the last to sneak out of the house. He calls for a ride home from Chris, who reveals that Roger had come to church the Sunday before he killed himself. Chris expresses guilt that no one had really welcomed him there.
Jake continues to struggle in dealing with Roger's death, attending church several times and drawing concern from Amy because of his withdrawn behavior. He discovers Roger's social networking page and sees that Roger had openly discussed his hopelessness. Amy joins Jake at church the following Sunday, but leaves after feeling judged. Jake confronts the group about their shallow faith and failure to be inclusive and inviting. Chris asks for a solution, and a girl named Andrea suggests that they all have lunch together at school.
For the next few weeks they all meet at lunch everyday. Slowly, Jake becomes shunned from all of his old friends, including Amy. Jake invites Jonny (Sean Michael Afable), a boy who had been mocked by a fake invitation to a party, to join them, which he eventually does. Jonny starts to emerge from a dark side to a happier side of himself as Jake spends more time with him.
After some time, Jonny asks Jake for advice on asking Andrea on a date. They go out for ice cream and Andrea sees scars on Jonny's wrist from cutting. She reveals that she used to be a cutter as well, touching his wrist. Jonny tries to kiss her, dropping his ice cream on her lap and causing her to draw back. Meanwhile, Jake finds out that Amy is pregnant with his baby and that she doesn't want to keep the child. He then discovers that his parents are about to have a divorce after his father had an affair. The next day at school, Jonny wants help from Jake on what to do with Andrea after he blew his chance. Jake takes his anger out on Jonny by brushing aside his concerns and humiliating him.
Jake and Andrea attempt to patch things up with Jonny, but he ignores their calls and resumes cutting his wrists. Danny, the pastor's son, overhears Jake and Chris talking about Amy's pregnancy and posts drawings all over the school announcing the secret to the school. In the weeks that follow, Jake stops hanging out with his old friends for good and spends more time with his Christian friends. He gives up his dream about going to college, much to his father's disappointment, and persuades Amy to keep the baby, promising her that he will help her raise their child. Amy, having been shunned by all her old friends at school, starts spending time with Andrea and the other girls from church. Jake continues to call Jonny, but Jonny doesn't pick up his phone.
Jonny bumps into Danny, who takes the cell phone Jonny dropped. Students are evacuated from the school e to a bomb threat. Danny steps forward and tells the police he thinks it was Jonny. The police search Jonny's locker and find horrific pictures of bombs exploding the school. They ask Jonny for his phone, but he doesn't have it, because Danny still does. The police handcuff Jonny and walk him through the crowd of the entire student body. Jake realizes that Jonny didn't make the threats when he calls Jonny's phone and sees Danny answer it. With Amy distracting the teachers that guard the exit, Jake runs past them to the road and steps in front of the police car. Jonny had opened a bottle of prescription pills preparing to take them, but Jake successfully stops the vehicle just before Jonny ends up like Roger.
Danny is then caught by the police, but cannot bring himself to call his father, calling Chris instead. Chris leaves Danny alone, but Jake offers to stay with him. The pastor takes a leave of absence to spend time with Danny and Chris becomes the new pastor in his place.
Jake's life soon returns to normal. His daughter is placed in open adoption, and Amy gets back together with Jake. The daughter is adopted by a couple unable to have children and instead of taking the child and leaving, they want to keep Amy and Jake in the family. His friends and family gather to see him off to Louisville for college, and his dad comes along with him so they can talk. Jonny gives Jake a note to read on the way there stating that he actually did feel like Roger and had thought about taking his life too. He said that if Jake didn't invite him for lunch that one day, he didn't know where he'd be at the moment.



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