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发布时间:2023-09-11 21:50:34

『壹』 电影《白鹿原》剧情简介及演员介绍








演员 段奕宏



演员 张雨绮



演员 张丰毅



演员 刘威



演员 吴刚



演员 郭涛








『贰』 电影明星的简要介绍

电影明星就是从电影荧幕中走下来的那些受人追捧、走到哪里都会引起一大堆粉丝的尖叫的俊男靓女。的确,电影明星是粉丝心目中完美形象的化身,他们的一颦一笑、举手投足受到成千上万双眼睛的关注,只要有他们参演的电影就会有投资方大把大把地往里面砸银子,就会有蜂拥而至的观众把电影院挤爆。老板就可以枕在高高的枕头上眯着眼睛乐呵呵地数钱。 人们往往将演员与明星混为一谈,有些知名度较高的演员,似乎就会理所当然地被称为“明星”。然而从一个普通的演员,到成为光彩夺目的明星并不是一件简单的事情。从演员到被称为明星的过程,有时不仅是因为表演的出色,更重要的是因其全方位魅力与个性被人肯定,从而赢得观众的欣赏与尊重。曾经有影评人指出,在中国大陆能被公认为明星的电影演员尚不够多,有的或许十分出名,但却口碑不佳,甚至遭到大量的置疑和非议。

『叁』 电影演员郭振清简介

郭振清(1927年8月15日——2005年8月24日),天津人。著名的电影表演艺术家。 毕业 于华北职工干部学校。先后为天津总工会文工团演员,天津艺术剧院演员,长春电影制片厂演员。20世纪五十年代初,因主演电影《平原游击队》蜚声影坛。
电影演员郭振清人物 事迹


郭振清生长在天津一个贫寒的家庭里。生活的坎坷促他早熟。迫于生计,在他刚满17岁时,就跨上了电车,当了一名售票员。在那里,三教九流,五行八作,他饱受生活煎熬之苦,也从此开始认识了人生。当解放天津的炮声响彻在海河上空时,他的生命翻开了新的一页。1949年底,党送他到华北职工干部学校学习,毕业后分配到天津市总工会文工团当演员。他第一次参加演出的话剧是反映纺织工人生活的《提高一步》。第一次使他尝到创作甜头的演出是话剧《不是蝉》。1981年,郭振清告别工作了20多年的长春电影制片厂,全家回到了哺育他成长的故乡--天津市,担任了天津广播电视艺术团的导演。同年与印质明联合导演了 故事 片《大虎》,以后又主演了故事片《荒娃》。









空暇间,他就和一帮志同道合的亲朋好友自组乐队,演奏“金蛇狂舞”、“步步高”等著名的广东音乐,或是踩高跷、练 武术 ,还学会了单弦、数来宝、相声和评剧等表演技巧。当时,电车公司成立了一个由穿长衫大褂的职员组成的业余京剧团,郭振清闻之几次前去报名加入,只是因为自己是卑贱的“穿号坎”的穷售票员,屡次遭到冷嘲热讽。郭振清不甘心,只要一有空,就自我推荐当场唱上一段“西皮二黄”,他的诚心和执著最终感动了负责人,破例将郭振清吸收进去。但是,“穿大褂”的终归是瞧不上“穿号坎”的,郭振清走进了业余京剧团后,也只能被指使着干些杂活,连“龙套”都不让他跑。










20世纪五六十年代,虽然_运动不断,但对于出身“红五类”、又是“工人阶级领导一切”、并成功扮演“工农兵”角色的郭振清来说,他一心一意沉浸在不断塑造新角色之中,频繁上戏,年年没有闲着,就连在1956年中央新闻电影制片厂拍摄的纪录片《 春节 大联欢》,也特意找来空暇中的郭振清与另一个女演员安琪,联合担任电影拍摄的解说报幕员。

在那个充满激情的年代,天津 文化 主管部门曾组织名为“笑的晚会”固定演出。此时,郭振清早已因扮演李向阳而名声在外,作为天津文艺界的名人,他也经常会接到这方面的邀请信函,因为他的相声说得顶呱呱。

银幕和舞台是郭振清纵横驰骋的疆场,而体育赛场和训练场则又是他另一个特殊的一方辽阔天地。郭振清还是一个不折不 扣的球迷,上世纪50年代末新中国10周年大庆的时候,郭振清作为文化部 足球 队的代表,前往北京京剧团,与著名的京剧大花脸裘盛戎、老生李宗义等演艺界名家一起踢球。


1973年,当国家恢复故事片生产的时候,郭振清在当年就出演了由林农导演的、根据浩然同名长篇小说改编的农村电影《艳阳天》。1974年,被安排到严恭导演的工业题材的电影《钢铁巨人》剧组。1975年,又被北影厂抽调到李文化导演的《决裂》中,担任男主角龙国正。1976年回厂后,本来让他准备重新再次主演重拍片《平原游击队》中的“李向阳”,但是,由于年龄的关系,郭振清实在难以再现当年叱咤风云的雄姿,而改为在幕后负责“新版李向阳”李铁军的表演辅导工作。在电影表演创作实践中,郭振清不但虚心求教,刻苦钻研,逐步将自己的戏路扩展到能洞察每一个角色的心理空间之中,从而成为中国影坛独具风格的著名电影演员。同时,他还能够把自己精心塑造的每一个血肉丰满、性格鲜明的角色的实践 经验 ,无私地传授给年轻的下一代。

『肆』 口语介绍一部电影或演员

“Forrest Gump” is a definitive American movie. In its dialogues, humorous wits are shined by the teeth and flipped(轻弹;弹投) through tongues, especially from Forrest, who is with a marginal IQ, but leads a very charmed life. Rhetoric, as the main carrier of language, is very important in humors’ designs in “Forrest Gump”. In this movie, much main rhetoric is used in the dialogues, like anti-climax, comparison, hyperbole(夸张法), pun, transfer and irony, which carry millions of Forrest Gump’s style humors to us. In the following, the article will discuss how humors are represented through applications of other rhetoric in the dialogue of “Forrest Gump”.

marginal: Barely within a lower standard or limit of quality.
rhetoric: The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively.

1. Anticlimax and humor

In “American Traditional Dictionary”, anticlimax is defined as “A sudden descent in speaking or writing from the impressive or significant to the ludicrous or inconsequential, or an instance of it”. Anticlimax is a most popular carrier of humor in movies, because it is easy to be understood by the audiences and effectively brings them surprises and humors. In “Forrest Gump”, Forrest always uses anticlimax to catch audiences’ attention and interesting, and then he “fools” them with unexpected ends. Forrest is not only a stupid with a small IQ, but a master of language with great humor and wit. He fools people, who treat him as a fool.

Example 1

Forrest: Now the really good thing about meeting the President of the United States is the food.

Here is a classic anticlimax humor. In the dialogue, Forrest uses some descriptive words, “ really”, “of the United States”, to show us what a good thing he will share with us.

In front of the word of “good”, he adds emphasized word- “really”, which makes us believe that the thing he will mention is absolutely good for Forrest.

Meanwhile, in common people’s opinion, President is a big guy in the country. Especially when it is formally modified by “of the United States”, it is naturally to tell people “Attention, please. Ladies and Gentlemen. There must be something very, very important to be said by Forrest”. So we focus our attentions on what Forrest will say in the following. But for our surprise, the answer is “the food”. It is absolutely out of our expectation, and forms an anticlimax humor.

modify: 修饰,限制;更改,修改

The same type of dialogue by Forrest appears again in this movie. In Vietnam, Forrest says, “The good thing about Vietnam is there was always some place to go”.

As we all know, Vietnam is a nightmare for most Americans, which affects almost one generation. It hurts Americans much, so that many Americans are afraid to mention it, even today. But in Forrest’s opinion, there is a good thing about Vietnam, which puzzles us and pushes us to the curiousness, “what does he consider as the good thing in the Vietnam – the American heart-broken land. The end is simple and with some kind of stupid, which makes us feel humorous.

Example 2

Bubba: …… My given name is Benjamin Beauford Blue. People call me Bubba, ……

Forrest: My name’s Forrest Gump. People call me Forrest Gump.

This is dialogue between Bubba and Forrest in their first meeting. As conventions, they should introce themselves. For Bubba, he has a very long formal name (I think the screenwriter designs this long name deliberately). So it is certainly shortened by people in daily life, and it is also easily accepted by us. After hearing Bubba’s introction, we may have thought Forrest would use his famous introction to shine himself- “ My name’s Forrest. Forrest Gump. But the screenwriter(剧作家) escapes from the conventional pattern. He thinks the answer as a real low-IQ, “ Bubba said the complete name firstly and then told me the shorten name. I shall answer it in the same form, which will be polite.” So in the movie, Forrest firstly introces his whole name – Forrest Gump. And then he shall tell us the name, which people call him formally. We also eagerly want to know, “How do people call Forrest Gump? Is it ‘Forrest’ or else?” But even Forrest himself doesn’t know it. After hard-thinking, he tells Bubba the exact same one, which make us funny.

Example 3

Forrest: Now because I’d been a football star and a war hero and a national celebrity and shrimping boat captain and a college graate, the city of Greenbow, Alabama decided to get together and offered me a fine job. ……

Forrest succeeds finally. He is a football star so that he is an idol(偶像) of Americans, who are crazy about the American football. He survives from Vietnam with a medal so that he wins fames in the political society. He can play ping-pong like a maniac, and visits China as one member of the All-American Ping Pong Team, which is the first American social group comes to China after 1949 and carrying famous Ping Pong Diplomacy. So he becomes a national celebrity after getting home and makes TV program with John Leon (the spirit of Beatles). Of course, Forrest also creates lots of amazing experiences, which shock the whole nation, like discovering Watergate scandals. Above all, He is one of millionaires, who are loved by American people so much. In a word, he catches Americans’ eyes from almost every class. And he can be described in one simple sentence, “ Forrest is a famous, wealthy and ecated man”. Without doubt, he is an ideal candidate to the President of United State.

Forrest is so famous and important that the city of Greenbow, Alabama should get together and consider all things seriously. And then the government “offered me a fine job”. What’s the fine job? Everybody is expecting the answer eagerly. We should think, “ Maybe President is a bit of difficult for Forrest. Congressman is right, who needn’t to consider all things” But the government gives Forrest a more difficult job, an absolute technical job- gardener, far from our expectation.

2.Comparison and Humor

In real life, comparison always lies here and there. People like to compare one item to another in order to make things clear or express something special. In movies, comparison is always magnified artistically, and it sometimes turns into sharply contrasting. In this way, some humors appear.

Example 1

Doctor: …… But his back is as crooked as politician. ……

Here is a very short and clear comparison. I guess some China people don’t really understand the comparison and know what the humor is in this sentence. The reason lies in the background knowledge about Americans’ political opinions.

Only from this simple sentence, we can glimpse Americans’ typical opinion on politicians. They feel contempt for this kind of “political animals” because they think politicians always lie in public and not feel a thing. They usually waste money from taxpayers and do nothing. And some of them like to chase girls or make one another scandals. They are not normal people, and not moral people at the same time. So the doctor comparing Forrest’s back to politician’s twisting in the morality, just tells us Forrest’s back isn’t very strait. He makes one American humor, vivid and ethical.

Example 2

Mrs. Gump: Remember what I told you Forrest. You’re no different than anybody else is. Did you hear what I said, Forrest? You are the same as everybody else. You are no different.

Mr. Hillcock (the principal): Your boy’s different, Mrs.Gump. His IQ is 75.

Mrs. Gump: Well, we’re all different, Mr. Hillcock.

Here are two comparisons in dialogues. In first plot, Mrs. Gump emphasizes to Forrest he is exactly as same as everybody else. He is normal and not stupid. She specially emphasizes the last sentence – You are no different. As soon as her voice ends, the director changes to another plot, and the principal tells Mrs. Gump seriously “ You boy is different”. Then he further tells Mrs. Gump a cruel fact –“His IQ’s 75”, to testify that Forrest is a real stupid. This forms a very sharply contrasting. It is so sharply that we can’t feel a little funny

Instead, we feel very sorry for Forrest’s mama because it is not easy to be accepted by a mother when others tell her that her child is a stupid. Some of them maybe react it strongly, sad or mad. But for Mrs. Gump, she answers it wittily. “ We’re all different”, implying “My son might be a bit on the slow side. It’s just a little different. And it’s normal because we’re all different in the world. So my son is going to get the same opportunity to go to school as everyone else.”

She is a great mother with great humorous sophism.(诡辩)

Example 3

Lt. Dan: …… If you’re ever a shrimp(一种虾) boat captain, that’s the day I’m an astronaut(宇航员).

Forrest meets Lieutenant Dan in New York City when he gets home from China. They go to a bar to celebrate New Year. Forrest tells Lt. Dan he will keep promise with Bubba, so he will buy one shrimping boat as soon as he has some money. Lt. Dan doesn’t believe that, because he knows Forrest is a fool, who isn’t able to do any business by himself. Yes, he gets the Congress Medal, but Dan thinks it is a stupid thing what Goddamn(该死的) American government does to make a fool out of himself. He doesn’t really look down Forrest, but he really doesn’t believe he can do something. Meanwhile, he maybe considers he shall be the real backbone (支柱、骨干)of America who ought to receive the Congress Medal. And only the men like him are the hope of America. But he is nothing now, even no legs. How could he chase his dream? He gets nothing from government but alms and neglect. He resents the government who rubbishes him and has some envy to Forrest because he gets honor he dreams for.

So when Forrest says he will be the captain, he shouts to the crowds and says to Forrest bitterly “if you’re ever a shrimp boat captain, that’s the day I’m an astronaut.” Please remember the time when the story happened – about in the early of 1970’s. It is shortly after the first astronaut- Neil Armstrong lands the moon. At that time, to be an astronaut is an unrealized dream for almost all mankind. How does it come to a legless? Lt. Dan uses two positions to compare in order to tell Forrest, “ Don’t be silly, you will never be a captain.” But he selects a humorous and ironical way to express it.

3.Hyperbole and Humor

In “American Traditional Dictionary”, hyperbole is defined as “A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in ‘I could sleep for a year’ or ‘This book weighs a ton.’” For Chinese people, humility is good virtue, and we think American is too simple and childish. Why? One important reason is that many Americans usually describe things or express feelings in some exaggerated ways. Sometimes, the exaggerations are far from the common sense and make some kind of humors. In “Forrest Gump”, the hero-Forrest Gump is an honest braggadocio, who adds a lot of humorous color to the dialogues.

Forrest: Hello. My name is Forrest. Forrest Gump. You wanna chocolate? I could eat about a million and a half of these. My mama always said, “ Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” Those must be comfortable shoes. I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing. I wish I had shoes like that.

The dialogue is at the beginning of the movie. Forrest sits on a bus bench and talks to a strange nurse. Forrest boasts he can eat about a million and half of chocolates. It is a typical American exaggeration, obvious and humorous. Of course, it is very easy for us to know that no one is able to eat so many chocolates as a human, maybe God will. Here Forrest overstates it in one billion of times, through which and with the tone of speaking, we will easily find Forrest is not in normal IQ.

In the following sentences, Forrest’s speech reveals some simple life philosophy. And at the last of his first important speech, Forrest, as other Americans, begins to flatter the nurse by her shoes and he uses another exaggeration- and not feels a thing.

Only from these words, Forrest shows us he is not a common people. He is something.
4.Pun and Humor

John Dryden describes the pun as “ to torture a poor word in tens of thousands of ways”. And in “Collinth English Dictionary”, pun is “the use of words or phrases to exploit ambiguities and innuendoes(暗讽、影射) in their meaning, usually for humorous effect.”

ambiguity: Doubtfulness or uncertainty as regards interpretation:

Pun is the main carrier in humors, which are printed in texts. Puns usually need the receivers to chewing it over and over and finding something funny. So it’s not easy for audiences to tell the pun and feel humorous when they enjoy one movie just for one time. However, puns still are often used in movies with some simple forms.

Forrest: What’s going on?

Student: Coons are trying to get into school.

Forrest: Coons? Well, raccoons try to get on our back porch, mama, just chases them of with a broom.

Here is a very simple and interesting Meaning Pun used in the dialogue. The screenwriter uses a homograph(同形异义字)- coon, which has two meanings. One is “A carnivorous(食肉类的) North American mammal(哺乳动物) having grayish-brown fur, black mask like facial markings, and a black-ringed bushy(浓密的) tail”. The meaning is what Forrest thinks. Another is “Used as a disparaging term for a Black person”, like the word of nigger. Here the student intends to tell Forrest that two niggers try to enroll in the college.

disparaging: 蔑视的, 毁谤的, 轻视的
coon: [动]浣熊, 无可救药者, <蔑>黑人
nigger: <美>被歧视者, 黑鬼(对黑人的蔑称)

In American history, the state of Alabama is one of the most serious states, which imposing the social separation of races. And the University of Alabama is the last college forbidding the Black registering in. We also can be certain that many people in this college, or even in the whole state, are not friendly to the Black. So the student picks an insulting word referring to the Black students. But for Forrest, he has no opinion of race discrimination. He thinks it is normal for the Black to enter the college and study with them. But it won’t cause so many people, even the Governor, the Commander and so many reporters, to attention it. It must be coons (animals) trying to get into the school, which surely is a big interesting thing for Forrest. But he also doesn’t understand why the small animals will cause so many big figures to the college. He thinks his mama and a broom are much enough to chase them off. The screenwriter uses a pun building a simple and pure Forrest’s image.

5.Irony and Humor

Irony is “An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning”, usually for humorous or rhetorical effect. Ironies are widely used in the movies’ dialogues. You should have the capacity of good sense of humor and knowledge in American cultures.

Forrest: I only caught five

Boat Salesman: A couple more and you can have yourself a cocktail. ……

Although Bubba tells Forrest everything about shrimping, but Forrest still finds that shrimping is tough. One day, he only catches five after a-whole-day hard working. The boat salesman just makes a joke to Forrest in order to cheer him up. Meanwhile, he also tells Forrest a fact that Forrest catches too few.

There is also a background about the shrimp cocktail. Shrimp cocktail is a mixture of small pieces of shrimp, served cold and eaten at the beginning of a meal. It is usually an appetizer. So the number of shrimps that are used in the shrimp cocktail is not big. Several are enough. Here the boat salesman just uses the cocktail to make fun of the number of shrimps Forrest catches.

6.Transfer and Humor

Transfer is to convey or cause to pass from one place, person, or thing to another. In dialogues, talkers usually convey one topic to another one, or change from one focus to another. Especially when the question is too sharp or not convenient to answer. Sometimes one talker is deliberate to transfer the topic in order to avoid hurting another talker. The transfer in dialogues often causes some unexpected effects, like humor.

Officer: Private Gump

Forrest: Yes, sir

Officer: As you were. I have your discharge papers. Your service is up, son.

Forrest: Does this mean, I can’t play ping pong no more?

Officer: For the army it does.

In this dialogue, the officer sends the discharge papers to Forrest and tells him his service in army is over. But for Forrest, the first response is he can’t play ping pong any more. He makes us a surprise and fun because there is no directly connection between playing ping pong and ending service in the army. It is according to Forrest’s intelligent level, which makes him think everything straightly.

For the officer, he certainly knows Forrest is not high in his IQ. And he doesn’t answer the question directly, like “ No, my son. You can continue to play ping pong. But blah, blah, blah.” He answers the Forrest’s stupid question from another angle. Only by a few words, the officer explains the thing clearly, even for Forrest.

blah: Dull and uninteresting


Of course, the humors of movie are represented not only in the dialogues, but also in the design of plots or actors’ body languages. this is banner

In “Forrest Gump”, the screenwriter and director hide lots of humors in the designation of plots. For example, Forrest rubs elbows with many famous personalities over the last half of the century including Elvis Presley, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon. And he also involves in many big events in the history of America, like Vietnam War, Ping Pong’s Diplomacy and Watergate Scandal.

As to body languages, we have to mention a great master, – Charlie Chaplin. You would find it difficult not to laugh at his early films. Of course, Tom Hanks is also a good actor, who surely acts a gifted fool perfectly through his eyes, expression and his actions. We can find lots of humors in his acts.

Totally, the humor is a very distinguished characteristic in American Movies. It is usually represented to audiences by dialogues, plots and actors’ body languages. Especially in dialogues, humors are vivid and witty through applying some rhetoric.

I will end my paper by some integrated words from “Forrest Gump”: Hello. My name’s Forrest, Forrest Gump. I might be a bit on the slow side. But my mama says “stupid is as stupid does”. I have no ideas to be famous and just want to be me. But for no particular reason, I’d been a football star and a war hero and a national celebrity and shrimping boat captain and a college graate. My mama always said, “Life is a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” I just do the best with what God gave me, and you?

『伍』 电影里领衔主演,特别主演和主演到底有什么区别




『陆』 用英文介绍电影明星,简洁的,带翻译。

Matt Damon (born October 8, 1970) is an American actor, screenwriter, and philanthropist whose career was launched following the success of the film Good Will Hunting (1997), from a screenplay he co-wrote with friend Ben Affleck. The pair won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay and the Golden Globe Award for Best Screenplay.

『柒』 电影演员马晓伟简介







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